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可供选择的方式多得让人眼花缭乱。The number of options is dizzying.

他的灵感以令人发晕的速度滋长着。His muse pullulated with dizzying speed.

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正回忆童年时光,如见令人眼花缭乱的冰山。as he recalls the dizzying icebergs of childhood

先不说其它,自己周围的变化便令人目不暇接了。Do not say other, their surrounding changes dizzying.

海洋中的甲壳类生物的数量真的很多。The number of shelled creatures in the ocean is truly dizzying.

它绕着餐桌转圈撒欢儿的速度让人看得直眼晕。His laps around the dining room table are made at dizzying speed.

母亲,穿过了一道纷杂喧嚣的生活迷雾,给了我们幸福的生活。Mother, through a dizzying blatant life fog, gave us the happiness of life.

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宗教空间成为这个城市绚烂的名族改革的标志。Religious spaces became markers of the city's dizzying ethnic transformation.

信息从设备到设备的传输方式,有时也把人弄得头晕目眩。And the ways material moves around from device to device can also be dizzying.

在冰场的迪斯科球洒通过她的长头发又令人眩目的光。The disco ball over the rink sprinkled dizzying light through her long-again hair.

你的消费者或者客户或者病人这些天有很多令他们眼花缭乱的选择。Your customers and clients and patients have a dizzying number of choices these days.

电子产业在二十一世纪得到了迅猛的发展.E.g. The 21st century witnesses the dizzying development of the electronic industries.

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候恩默默地思考着对策,很快就沉浸在奥妙无穷的棋局里。Hearn pondered his responses, and lost himself quickly in the dizzying heights of chess.

没有什么比眼花缭乱的杂乱颜色和字体更显得业余了。Nothing screams "amateur!" louder than a dizzying mishmash of different fonts and colors.

在整个亚洲地区,从小麦到猪肉,食物的价格在以令人眩晕的速度飞涨。Across the region, the price of food, from wheat to pork, is increasing at dizzying rates.

我醒来时,还记得当我讲完令人头晕目眩的区分鲸鱼的讲座后,我妈妈脸上的表情。I awoke remembering the expression on her face after I'd finished my dizzying whale lecture.

同时,金融市场已经变成了一个光怪陆离的大商场,充斥着选择和低门槛的信贷产品。The financial marketplace, meanwhile, has become a dizzying emporium of choice and easy credit.

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摆在他们面前各类极具桐庐特色的剪纸作品,让他们目不暇接。Before them all kinds of great paper-cutting works Tonglu characteristics so that they dizzying.

令人头晕目眩的石塔伫立在希腊北边的平原,支撑著好几百年的修道院。Dizzying towers of rock soar above Greece's northern plains and support centuries-old monasteries.

迪拜风景名胜图片。从大厅向上看朱美拉阿联酋酒店给一个极快的视图它的48楼层。Look up from the lobby of the Jumeirah Emirates Towers hotel for a dizzying view of its 48 floors.