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是否巳经开发了八正道?Are the Noble Eightfold Path developed in me?

就象是有八倍宽的道路,十二层台阶,十条戒律。It's like the eightfold path the twelve steps the ten commandments.

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请给我授戒让我成为比丘,这样我就能够修行八正道。Please ordain me a Bhikkhu so that I can develop the Noble Eightfold Path.

戴维斯夫人是认为八正道是后来才系统化的。Rhys Davids is of the opinion that the Eightfold Path is a later systematisation.

计划的核电项目在九年内会比目前的数量翻八倍之多。Currently, these foresee an approximate eightfold expansion within just nine years.

与今年第一季度的增长率相比,它足足超过八倍!With the increase rate first quarter is compared this year, it exceeds fully eightfold !

奥迪的旗舰车型A8在一年前经重新设计后,销量已增长8倍。Sales of Audi's flagship, the A8, have jumped eightfold since being redesigned a year ago.

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八正道由戒、定、慧组成,修行八正道非常容易。It is very easy to develop this Noble Eightfold Path which consists of Sila, Samadhi and Panna.

这个通往涅磐或拯救的确定的方法存在于尊贵的八正道,正如佛所提出的。The sure way to nirvana or salvation lies in the noble eightfold path, as propounded by the Buddha.

要体悟四圣谛,我们需要修行八正道,因为八正道是河的中流。To realize the FourNoble Truth we need the Noble Eightfold Path. This is the middle current of the river.

八正道跟十诫一样,是指引地球上任何人道德生活的一种有用的帮助。The eightfold path, like the Ten Commandments, is as useful a guide for living a moral life as any on earth.

八正道与世间八法是一对的,这两条道路相互重叠,而非分属不同领域。The Eightfold Noble Path and the Eight Worldly Winds are inter-related, like two roads overlapping, not two different fields.

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佛陀教导我们修行八正道的方法,即正念修习的方法。The Omniscient Buddha taught us the way to develop this Noble Eightfold Path. That is the technique of Mindfulness meditation.

如果教法中没有八正道,遵循该教法的人就不能灭除一切烦恼。It means that if there is no Noble Eightfold Path in a doctrine, then there is no one who has destroyed all defilement by following it.

佛陀对人们有很多的教导,但基本的教义可以概括为四圣谛与八圣道。The Buddha taught many things, but the basic concepts in Buddhism can be summed up by the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path.

如果教法中有八正道,遵循该教法的人就能灭除烦恼,并解脱痛苦。If there is Noble Eightfold Path in a doctrine, there will be someone who has destroyed the defilement by following it and got rid of suffering.

因此,如果你遵循的教法中不需要修行八正道,你肯定不能灭除烦恼,并解脱痛苦。So, if you follow any doctrine in which you do not have to develop the Noble Eightfold Path you are certain not to destroy defilement and get rid of suffering.

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同时期,外商在菲律宾直接投资额增加一倍以上,在印度增加三倍,在越南则飙涨了八倍以上。By contrast, foreign direct investment has more than doubled in this period in the Philippines, quintu- pled in India and soared more than eightfold in Vietnam.

这就是八圣道,它作为一个综合系统,在一位彻底觉悟者的教说之外是不存在的。This means is the Noble Eightfold Path which, as an integrated system of spiritual training, cannot be found outside the dispensation of a Fully Enlightened One.

一些专家对这项发现提出问题因为尽管暴露的环境中多环芳烃含量有八倍的不同但是智商值的减少却相似。Some experts say the findings raise questions because the IQ losses were similar in the two groups despite the eightfold difference in their average level of exposure.