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买糖浆吧。这么久以来,我一直想吃的。Buy the syrupy sweets. For so long.

一种浆状的酸,由甘油和甘油醛氧化后获得。A syrupy acid obtained by oxidation of glycerol or glyceraldehyde.

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厚实深沉的印尼小果咖啡,口感奇特,糖浆般浓郁。A superb Indonesian arabica with a smooth, dense flavor, almost syrupy body.

NREL使用一种含盐干燥剂的糖浆式液体吸走湿气。NREL uses syrupy liquids which contain salty desiccants to soak up the humidity.

极浓郁醇度,低酸度,带有独特坚果香气和花香味。Uniqely , heavy body , low acidity, pleasant nutty aroma , distinctive , syrupy , exotic flavor.

而且政府建立“和谐社会”的造势甜得令人晕倒。And the spin that the government puts on building a harmonious society is sickeningly syrupy.

同时,把腌料放在平底锅里用中低火小煮至成浓浆状。Meanwhile, in a small saucepan over medium-low heat, reduce the marinade to a syrupy consistency.

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一会好像看了一部伤感的电影似的让你哭泣,一会儿又如打开自己全身的毛孔一样去体验兴奋的喜悦。One minute a syrupy film has you sobbing, the next you feel the heady joy of the universe in all your pores.

慢炖四小时,将汤倒出,放到另一个大锅继续煮,直至凝固。Simmer for 4 hours then pass through fine chinois into another large pot &continue to reduce until syrupy consistency.

这种生活并不见得不好,因为你已经忘记当爱情发生到自己身上时的那种极度甜腻的质感。This life is not necessarily bad, because you have forgotten when love happen to them the kind of extreme syrupy texture.

他们脚下打着滑,顺着走廊下去,一路上,脚步发出糖浆似的回声,最后来到了走廊尽头,上锁的那扇门前。Their footfalls made syrupy echoes as they slipped and stepped down the walkway to the corridor's end and the locked door.

现在有一种新的选择方式产生----用碱液溶解尸体并且把褐色浆糊状的污秽物倒入排水沟中。Now a new option is generating interest — dissolving bodies in lye and flushing the brownish, syrupy residue down the drain.

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二乙二醇是像蜜糖的毒药,它再现今社会中是一种工业溶剂也是防冻药剂不可或缺的主要成份。The syrupy poison, diethylene glycol, is an indispensable part of the modern world, an industrial solvent and prime ingredient in antifreeze.

菲律宾人过情人节的方式比较传统,情侣间互赠红色和粉色的玫瑰花、心型卡片,再唱上几首甜蜜的爱情歌曲。Valentine's Day in the Philippines was celebrated traditionally, with a riot of red and pink roses, heart-shaped cards and syrupy love ballads.

商店中甜美的音乐声也许会使顾客们心烦意乱,想想那些商店的店员们,他们更是深受其害。THE syrupy sound of in-store music may drive customers to distraction, but spare a thought this Christmas for the shop assistants in its thrall.

我对那里演出的印象很模糊了,只记得一个男人在抱着古典吉他低声吟唱。My memory of the entertainment is hazy, but I think it involved someone crooning syrupy ballads while accompanying himself on an acoustic guitar.

这种糖浆状有毒液体,二甘醇,作为一种工业溶剂和一些防冻液的主要成分是现代世界不可或缺的部分。The syrupy poison, diethylene glycol, is an indispensable part of the modern world, an industrial solvent and prime ingredient in some antifreeze.

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一种糖浆状黄色液体,沸点172℃,具有强烈的碱性反应,因此广泛用于从合成气中脱除硫化氢和其他酸性气体。A syrupy yellowish liquid, b. p. 172℃ , which has a strongly basic reaction, and thus is widely used to remove hydrogen sulfide and other acidic gases from synthesis gas.

本栏作者曾在孟买贫民窟一边啜饮着加了糖浆的茶,一边看电视,当看到印度总理曼莫汉•辛格和善的面容出现在电视荧屏上时,笔者颇感欣慰。WHILE sipping syrupy tea and watching television in a Mumbai slum, Banyan was once cheered to see the kindly face of Manmohan Singh, the prime minister, appear on screen.

右旋糖一种由右旋糖,麦芽糖和糊精混合而成的无色或淡黄色糖浆,含20%的水,用于制糖、酒精发酵、制革和制烟草。A colorless to yellowish syrupy mixture of dextrose, maltose, and dextrins containing about20 percent water, used in confectionery, alcoholic fermentation, tanning, and treating tobacco.