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他们宁可将其妖魔化。But they’d rather demonize.

耶稣知道,我们有时很想丑化我们的敌人。Jesus knows that at times we are tempted to demonize our enemies.

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要说某些美国人对中国没有一点妖魔化,显然是不符合事实的。To say that some Americans do not demonize China is obviously not true.

我们不应该用这个词本身来妖魔化对财富的渴望和追求。It should not be used to demonize the desire or drive for wealth, per se.

尽管如此,我仍然不希望像金里奇和他的同伙丑化我们那样来丑化他们。Still, I didn’t want to demonize Gingrich and his crowd as they had done to us.

这个问题一次又一次地被用来分裂和煽动——妖魔化人民。Time and again, this issue has been used to divide and inflame -– and to demonize people.

这个软件对于想妖魔化独立候选人乔·利伯曼的民主党人来说,是个伟大的创造。This is a great app for Democrats who really want to demonize orangey Independent Joe Lieberman.

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即使你最后仍然认为她的确无能,请记住,她也是人,不要刻意丑化她。Remember, even if you conclude that she is indeed incapable, that she is human and don't demonize her.

很多对西方持有浪漫看法的年青人,对西方媒体妖魔化中国的企图十分失望,而妖魔化往往会引发相应的反作用。Many who had romantic views about the West are very disappointed at the media's attempt to demonize China.

美国人都是懦夫,根本不敢这样做,如果这样做的话,美国媒体就会对他们进行妖魔化。Americansare such cowards to do anything like this and if they did their country's mediawill demonize them.

然而,许多电视,报纸和杂志所列举的分人类如何“妖魔化”我们报告的一个朋友的情况。However, many television, newspaper and magazines have cited the sub-human beings how to "demonize" We report the case of a friend.

我觉得,如果我们把电视恶魔化,认为看电视是“浪费时间”、毫无成效的行为,那么也许我们生活中所做的大多数的事情皆是如此。I think if we demonize TV as a ‘waste oftime’ that isn’t productive, then perhaps we can say the same about almostanything we do in life.

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那些剥削他人,妖魔化持有异见的人,把外国文化看成是原始文化的人是愚蠢的。Those who patronize other people, demonize those they disagree with, or disregard foreign cultures as primitive have come to seem foolish.

强大的国家和强大的人物不会如中国一样对小角色感到如此害怕,中国的做法是把他们妖魔化,把他们的言论定为非法,或者把他们投入监狱。Great states and great men do not fear the little guy so much that they demonize him, outlaw the expression of his views, or throw him in prison.

其实,如果狂热之后可以回归理性,那么对于“富人区”话题的讨论完全不必要被冠以道德妖魔化的论调。If fanaticism can return after rational, then the "rich areas" of the discussion topic was called moral demonize completely unnecessary argument.

潜在买家惧怕与政府做生意的风险,担心自己因为挣了大钱而被政治家们妖魔化。Potential buyers balked at the risk of doing business with the government, concerned that politicians might demonize them for making big profits.

中日关系症结何在?本文通过近年流行的“妖魔化”一词,对中日关系进行思考。This monograph aims at contemplating the modem Japan-China relationship by analyzing discourses hidden behind the word "demonize", which is getting popular nowadays.

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这就要求我们的领导人需要头脑清晰地处理这复杂的伙伴关系,不会受诱惑消耗导致溺爱或妖魔化这个世界上的下一个超级大国。That will require our leaders to manage the complex partnership in a clear-eyed manner and not be consumed by the temptation to either coddle or demonize the world's next superpower.

和电话一样,因特网也只是人们的一种交流方式。但是总是有一些人试图把它妖魔化——最近就流传着一个可笑的主张,它认为因特网为恐怖主义活动提供了便利。The Internet is simply a means of communication, like the telephone, but that has not prevented attempts to demonize it — the latest being the ludicrous claim that the Internet promotes terrorism.