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好的问题容易解答。Good questions outrank easy answers.

如今桃子是比棉花重要的主要产品。Peaches now outrank cotton as the chief crop.

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如今花生是比棉花更重要的主要产品。Peanuts now outrank cotton as the chief crop.

你们两个我都是我下属,少校,不要忘了!I outrank you both. Major. and don't you forget it!

好的问题容易解答。---保罗。萨缪尔森。Good questions outrank easy answers. ---Paul Samuelson.

葡萄酒的重要性可能超过柑橘而成为西西里最值钱的产品。Wine may outrank citrus as Sicily's most valuable product.

实干的凡人总是强于脱离实际的智者。Men and women of action always outrank armchair intellectuals.

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一个低PR值的网站等级实际上可以高过一个高PR的网站。A site with lower PR can actually outrank one with a higher PR.

学习先进,才有可能赶超先进。Learn from the advanced, then we may have been able to outrank them.

不过,即便是在如此严肃的哲学领域,业余爱好者的名声也盛于专业人士。But even in the world of serious philosophy, amateurs outrank the professionals.

此更新将集中在网站,刮和偷别人的内容,实际上比原来的来源。This update will focus on sites that scrape and steal other people's content and actually outrank the original source.

了解如何在皇后通配符上超过其他后续在这个自由扑克教学视频卡球员的专家和专业赌场扑克牌赌博游戏女王。Learn how queens outrank other wildcards in the Follow the Queen poker card game in this free stud poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.