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在苏联担任中共驻共产国际代表时的李大钊。In 1920 Li Dazhao met comintern Russian agent G. N. Voitrngsky.

共产国际的理论家根本就不值得一提。The theoreticians of the Comintern are not even worth mentioning.

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共产国际在这一过程中扮演了助产士和监护人的角色。The Comintern plaid a rule of "midwife and guardian" in this process.

共产国际的指导推动了中国革命的历史进程。The guidance of Comintern drove the historical course of Chinese revolution.

共产国际的官员们不失时机地重组自身。And the functionaries of the Comintern lost no time in realigning themselves.

共产国际和中国革命无疑有着十分密切的关系。Comintern and Chinese revolution are having very close relationship undoubtedly.

于是“第三阶段”与莫洛托夫便一道被共产国际辞退了。The "third period" was pensioned off, and so was Molotov himself from the Comintern.

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共产国际在上海工人三次武装起义中曾产生过巨大的影响。Comintern made a difference during the three armed uprisings launched by Shanghai workers.

布尔什维克主义以左派反对派为代表同苏联官僚集团及其共产国际决裂了。In the form of the Left Opposition, Bolshevism broke with the Soviet bureaucracy and its Comintern.

于是,共产国际的指导路线与中国革命的实际需要就发生了部分脱节。Then, the real need of the guideline of Comintern and Chinese revolution produced a part to be out of line.

在共产国际妥协退让的政策下,国共合作最终破裂。Comintern concession in the compromise policy, the cooperation between the Kuomintang and eventually rupture.

这一路线的形成,与当时指导中国革命的共产国际有直接的关系。Of this one course form, have immediate concern with the Comintern of revolution of directive at that time China.

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在特殊的历史条件下诞生的共产国际,从一开始就决定了其特殊的地位。Birth Comintern falls in special historical condition, from the position that decided its are special at the beginning.

中共在处理与共产国际的关系问题上经历了一个曲折的变化过程。The Communist Party of China experienced a meandering metabolic course on the concern issue of processing and Comintern.

共产国际在指导中国革命的过程中,在促进马克思主义中国化的进程中具有双重效应。The Comintern has a dual effect in the process of guiding the Chinese revolution and promotion of localization of Marxism.

在共产国际的压力与国民党的排挤之下,陈独秀才发表了所谓的具有“二次革命论”倾向的文章。Under the pressure of Kuomintang and the Comintern , Chen published articles with the inclination of The Second Revolutionism.

抗日民族统一战线的战略转变主要是共产国际和中共驻共产国际代表团推动的。Anti-Japanese national united front is the strategic shift in Comintern Comintern and the Chinese Communist delegation promoted.

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共产国际用来指导中国革命的东方战略,其核心内容是强调反帝革命。Comintern uses the Oriental strategy of directive China revolution, its core content is to emphasize anti-imperialist revolution.

有一种观念正在被共产国际各支部热心地宣传着,即,即使法西斯主义胜利了,也不会翻出什么新花样。The notion that nothing new will be added by the victory of fascists is being zealously propagated now in all sections of the Comintern.

本文根据共产国际档案文献,对共产国际与陈独秀被开除出党的前后历史作一初步考察。This article based on the archives of the central committee, gives a preliminary investigation on the comintern and Chen Duxiu the expellee.