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埋入地下的是沾血的利斧。Buried was the bloody hatchet.

你把短柄小斧放到哪里了?。Where did you put the hatchet?

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好了,让我们捐弃前嫌,成为朋友。Let's bury the hatchet and be friends.

使用你的斧头切过这些。Use your hatchet to cut through these.

好了,让我们捐弃前嫌,成为朋友。All right. Let's bury the hatchet and be friends.

他和他那帮打手神气活现地走出了那间酒吧。He with his hatchet men swaggered out of the bar.

别吵了,一起去喝一杯吧!Just bury the hatchet and go have a drink together!

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当树被弄倒了,所有的人都拿斧头来。When the tree is fallen, all go with their hatchet.

使用锤子去敲击另一个锤子或短柄手斧。Using one hammer to strike against another hammer or hatchet.

那个撰文者把桃色丑闻泄露给新闻界。That hatchet man released rumor of a sex scandal to the press.

那个撰文者把桃色丑闻洩露给新闻界。That hatchet man released rumors of a sex scandal to the press.

这儿所有的恶毒攻击都意味着要试图败坏作家的名誉。All the hatchet job here meant a calculated attempt to demolish the author.

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很多的人怕他,只有很少的人喜欢他,他是众所周知的尼克松总统的“打手”。Feared by many and liked by few, Colson was known as Nixon's "hatchet man."

不过,医疗专家迅速而正确地将该报告指为恶毒诽谤。But health-care experts quickly and correctly dismissed it as a hatchet job.

那时候我人小,不小心把手上的柴刀掉到河里。That time I was a little bo, and I dropped m hatchet unwaril into the river.

他边说边丢掉斧头,把棍子换到右手。At the same time he dropped the hatchet and shifted the club to his right hand.

那时候我人小,不小心把手上的柴刀掉到河里。That time I was a little boy, and I dropped my hatchet unwarily into the river.

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那时候我人小,不小心把手上的柴刀掉到河里。At that time I was a little boy, and I dropped my hatchet unwarily into the river.

有两家报纸对首相的成就极尽诋毁之能事。Two newspapers did avery effective hatchet job on the Prime Minister's achievements.

近看,耐人寻味,在粗犷的斧凿中行走着蜿蜒的线。Traceable among the rough marks of hatchet and chisel were delicate lines zigzagging.