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红花以水浸至出香味。Soak saffron in water until aromatic.

这个汤的特殊香味是因为藏红花粉。The special zest of this soup is due to the saffron.

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意大利红米配大虾,节瓜,番茄和藏红花。Red Rice with Prawns, Zucchini, Tomatoes and Saffron.

手足的掌心则用藏红花染做了黄色。The palms of his feet and hands were yellow with saffron.

藏红花粉来源于番红花的三个花柱和花蕊。Saffron is the three stigmas and style of the crocus flower.

喔!我知道我需要什么了,番红花有了番红花我就大功告成。I know what this needs! Saffron! A little saffron would make this!

坚果碎烤三文鱼柳,藏红花烩饭,刺山柑汁。Nuts Crashed Roasted Salmon Fillet, Saffron Risotto, Capper Sauce.

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然而,农民们需要政府最初的资助来购买藏红花茎。However, farmers need initial government support to buy saffron bulbs.

因为这点,我们亦相信你是披上僧袍的回教徒。Because of this, we also believe that you are the saffron robed Muslim.

噢,请告诉我至少有撒着墨西哥胡椒和蜂蜜黄油的金黄璀璨的玉米。Oh, please tell me at least have the saffron corn with jalapeno honey butter.

以雪花冻、红花冻和黄花冻常见,绿冻最少见。To snow and cold, cold, and yellow saffron common cold, green jelly the most rare.

将猪肉和洋葱还有土豆一起加入炖锅,加入藏红花和辣椒粉。Add the pork and onions to the beans along with chopped potato, paprika and saffron.

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在本世纪中期,Saffron山是一个肮脏的贫民窟,满是靠救济的人和小偷。In the middle of the century Saffron Hill was a squalid slum overrun by paupers and thieves.

另外还有两个育种雄鸽,“萨弗伦”和“影子”交配后的儿子,其中一个被P。Two more top breeding cocks , sons of "Saffron" when paired to "Shadow", one purchased by P.

用淘宝荀草园的永乐坊店的“红花眼霜”祛黑头圈很有效。Xun lawn with Taobao's Paradise Square shop, "saffron cream" cured black circle is very effective.

把茴香籽和切好的番茄混合,藏红花粉倒入一勺沸水中使其被吸收。Mix the fennel seeds with the chopped tomatoes. Pour 1 tbsp of boiling water over the saffron to soak.

如果没有真的藏红花,用黄色料加上辣椒粉也可令其呈现出金黄色。If real saffron is not available, use yellow food coloring plus paprika to give it a sunny yellow color.

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其他新上榜污渍还有日本烧烤酱、榄油、蒜酱以及橘黄色的藏红花调料留下的印迹。Also new on the list were teriyaki sauce, olive oil, pesto sauce and the orange-yellow colors of saffron.

专家们还表示,如大蒜,迷迭香和藏红花的抗氧化剂,可以对抗癌症的素质。The experts also said antioxidants like garlic, rosemary and saffron have qualities that could fight cancer.

缅甸风格的寺庙里挤满了旅游车,寺庙里的藏红花火红耀眼,僧侣喃喃地念各不停。Tour buses crowd Burmese-style wats ablaze with the color of saffron and humming with the chanting of monks.