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气温经常剧烈波动。Its temperature often fluctuates dramatically.

机票价格在2010年已出现大幅度上涨。Prices have already gone up dramatically in 2010.

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中产阶级的破产者将越来越多。Middle-class bankruptcies will expand dramatically.

第一次世界大战对澳大利亚有很大的影响。The World War I impinged dramatically on Australia.

如此一来,官员的数目急剧增加And it expands the number of officials dramatically.

这将显著提高您的内部版本的速度。This improves the speed of your builds dramatically.

人类的预期寿命已有显著提高Life expectancy for humans has increased dramatically.

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富士施乐的业务一直在不断发展变化。Fuji Xerox's businesses have been dramatically changing.

在我看来,美联储已经戏剧性地降低了利率。In my view--the Fed has dramatically cut interest rates.

但从那以后,非精英学校得到了很大的改善。But since then the non-elites have improved dramatically.

对于商品化的风险将会大大增加。The risk for commoditization would increase dramatically.

为什么所罗门兄弟公司的价值如此剧烈地暴跌?Why did the value of Salomon Brothers dropso dramatically?

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因为被鱼网缠住而丧命的海狮数量明显增加。The number of net entanglements has dramatically increased.

你被解剖的概率已经大幅度下降。Your chances of being dissected just declined dramatically.

“油类产品在这个年龄段的使用急剧下降,”格拉芙说道。"Oil production drops dramatically at this age, " says Graf.

如同人类的年龄一样,完整的透明质酸的水平下降非常富有戏剧化。As humans age, levels of intact hyaluronan drop dramatically.

从4、5岁开始,情况发生了戏剧性的改变。From about 4 to 5-years-old the situation changed dramatically.

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近来,世行对卫生、营养和人口领域的投资大幅增长。Recently, the Bank’s HNP investment has increased dramatically.

对于玩家的好处是大大增加了可玩性。The benefit to the players is dramatically expanded playability.

上年炎天,鼓手戏剧性地变成了业余剧作家。last summer the drummer became an amateur dramatist dramatically.