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罗宾范佩西准备好接任阿森纳队长一职。Robin van Persie is ready for the Arsenal captaincy.

马克一心想当那支篮球队的队长。Mark has his eye on the captaincy of the basketball team.

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在罗伯森离去之后,布鲁斯还继续担任了两年的队长,继续带领曼联前进。After Robson left, Bruce retained the captaincy for a further two years.

马拉多纳同样表扬了扎内蒂失去队长袖标之后的反应。Maradona also praised Javier Zanetti for his reaction to losing the captaincy.

在国家队中和之前的导师萨基重逢,保罗将队长的作用发挥得淋漓尽致。Reunited with his former mentor, Arrigo Sacchi, Paolo reveled in the captaincy.

斯蒂文。杰拉德是队长位置的有力竞争者,他将是我的副队长。Steven Gerrard was a strong candidate for the captaincy and he will be my vice-captain.

帕特里克。维埃拉担心剥夺威廉。加拉的队长职务会引起连锁反应。Patrick Vieira fears the consequences if the Arsenal captaincy is taken away from William Gallas.

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罗伊霍奇森在今天表示,他坚定地支持杰拉德担任英格兰国家队队长一职。Roy Hodgson today spoke of his belief that Steven Gerrard should have retained the England captaincy.

相反的,这位明星前锋希望和阿森纳签订一份新合同,以符合他刚刚从维埃拉手中接过的队长袖标。The star striker instead wants a new contract with Arsenal to coincide with the captaincy he inherited from Vieira.

这位23岁的中场从这个星期休息的流浪者队队长巴里弗格森那里接过队长袖标。The 23-year-old midfielder takes over the captaincy from Rangers skipper Barry Ferguson, who has been rested this week.

约翰特里透露贝壳汉姆是自己带上英格兰队长袖标后第一个发来祝贺的人。John Terry has revealed David Beckham was the first person to congratulate him when he was awarded the England captaincy.

除了在中场的拦截的任务以外,巴西人在这个充满挑战的赛季里也接任了队长的位置,负责主罚点球。Aside from his combative midfield duties, the Brazilian also took on the captaincy and the penalty-taking in a challenging campaign.

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这位荷兰的外籍球员从他加入俱乐部以来逐渐成熟,他正在体验作为一个队长承担更多责任的滋味。The Dutch international has 'grown up' since he joined the Club and is now relishing the extra responsibility that captaincy brings.

但最终西汉姆联止步于点球决战,但是贝纳永的悲伤很快就被一则好消息抹去,他成为了国家队队长。West Ham may have lost on penalties, but their No. 15's disappoint was soon eased with news he was being handed the Israeli captaincy.

但是如果他受伤了或者无法上场,我认为教练得好好考虑这事儿了,他应该任命杰队为常任队长。But if he is injured or unavailable, I think the manager will have to reconsider the captaincy and make Steven's appointment permanent.

特里在日前承认自己与国家队队友布里奇的前女友有染后,被卡佩罗撤销了英国国家队队长的职务。John Terry has been stripped of the England captaincy following allegations he had an affair with an England team-mate's ex-girlfriend.

我们了解他作为一个投手的能力,而且我猜通常在队长的测试中队长们才能够履行他们的队长职责。And we know his quality as a bowler and I guess it's always the test of any captain that they are able to perform with the captaincy duties.

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去年特里的队长袖标被拽了下来,戴在了里奥费迪南德的胳膊上。现在卡佩罗又改变了主意。Terry lost the England captaincy last year, when the armband was handed to Rio Ferdinand, but Fabio Capello has now reconsidered the decision.

接过堆涨袖标的是里奥·费迪南。特里表示自己接受卡佩罗给玙他的惩办。"After much thought I have made the decision that it will be best for me to take the captaincy away from John Terry" said Capello in a statement.

2003年,当家队长耶罗离队后,劳尔就正式接管了队长的职务,从此成为一名浑然天成的受人敬重的领袖。He took over the captaincy of Real Madrid when Fernando Hierro departed in 2003, and has since shown himself to be a natural and respected leader.