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手柄尾部的标记容易识别。Tip-Ident for easy identification.

读者把自己代入书中角色时情况会如何?What is the status of identification?

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电压标示定义?。VID? Voltage Identification Definition?

右转30度以便识别。Turn right 30degrees for identification.

发旗语识别信号。Making identification signals with flags.

西席,请留下身份证。Please keep the identification card, sir?

左转航向090以便识别。Turn left heading 090 for identification.

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你办理学生身份卡了吗?Do you have a Student Identification Card?

隐藏型外显子的识别。The identification the human cryptic exons.

这种认同是由无明引起的。This identification is caused by ignorance.

描图说明鉴定结果。To illustrate the result of identification.

其中的首要功能就是识别性。The first of these is called identification.

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我用驾驶执照作为身份证明。I used my driver's license as identification.

使服务标识由使用者驱动Let service identification be consumer-driven

全能性和多能性鉴定。Identification of totipotency and pluripotency.

我会用某某方法来做风险评估。I would do risk identification using method MNO.

活象一个鉴定家,女性鉴定家。Guoxiang an appraiser, women Identification home.

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用白天信号灯以识别。Make identification with daylight signaling lamps.

这个地衣测试是基于颜色数据的。The lichen identification was based on color data.

武王也找了玉匠鉴定那块璞。The jade and argues that our potter identification.