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公用之马,掌子最差。The common horse is worst shod.

补鞋匠的妻子没好鞋穿。The cobbler's wife is the worst shod.

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这些马钉着金银做的鉄掌。The horses were shod with silver and golden bridles.

孩子们的脚最好穿真皮的鞋。Its good for children's feet to be shod With real leather.

为了演出,所有的马都必须钉上马蹄铁。All the horses must be shod with new horseshoes for the show.

穿鞋和不穿鞋跑步的差异有进化证据支持。The differences between shod and unshod running have evolutionary underpinnings.

在她的长裙袍下,能隐约看见一双缎靴紧裹着两只纤巧的脚。Beneath her long dress, a glimpse could be caught of her tiny foot shod in a silken boot.

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前者却反驳道,他不用跑得过熊,只要跑得过他的同伴就够了。The shod hiker retorts that it is not the bear he needs to outrun, merely his fellow hiker.

最后,他把鞋穿在儿子脚上,代表他用主平安的福音当作鞋子穿上。Finally, he put shoes on the boy's feet, representing being shod with the gospel of the peace of Christ.

从前有一个皇帝有一匹穿着金鞋的马,他的每个脚上的鞋都是金子做的,这是为什么呢?There was once an Emperor who had a horse shod with gold. He had a golden shoe on each foot, and why was this?

横地对待她的职员们,结果好几位不干了,因为他们无法忍受那种待遇。The manageress rode rough shod over all her staff, and several left because they couldn't stand such treatment.

很明显是罗宾穿靴子所留下长串足迹,赫伯特走过时知道这是谁造成的。There was the clear, long—striding track of Robin's shod feet, and Herbert passed by that, knowing whose feet had nade it.

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想象一下在厚厚的草地上或是在夜间凉爽的沙滩上赤脚行走,你会感受到穿鞋行走所不能体验的愉快。Imagine walking barefoot on thick grass, or cool night sand. These are wonderful sensations that shod walkers cannot enjoy.

打电话叫钉马掌师在比赛前十天或两星期前钉马掌,以便马有时间适应新马掌。Call the farrier and have your horse shod about ten days to two week before the show so that he will have time to adjust to his shoes.

从备受赞誉的电影回顾中,你很难注意到在影艺学院会员时髦的鞋底下,正在发生一个天摇地动的转变。From the films honored, you would hardly have noticed that under the academy members' smartly shod feet, a seismic shift was taking place.

确实,就在屋子巨大横梁的角上,两只脚伸了出来,穿着银色尖头的鞋子。There, indeed, just under the corner of the greatbeam the house rested on, two feet were sticking out, shod in silver , shoes with pointed toes.

所有的车手都已将注意力转向测试中的轮胎,而使用普利斯通轮胎而非其对手米其林轮胎的法拉利,认为他们有优势。All drivers have been paying attention to tyres in testing and Ferrari, shod by Bridgestone rather than rivals Michelin, believe they have the advantage.

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照片上,刚刚穿上新鞋的小企鹅“埃尔维斯”是现居住新西兰克赖斯特彻奇“国际南极中心”18只企鹅中的一只。The newly shod bird, seen here, is one of 18 "second chance" little penguins now living at the International Antarctic Centre in Christchurch, New Zealand.

赤脚跑步的人用脚掌的中间或者前面部分与地面接触,这样几乎没有冲撞冲力,冲力比大多数穿着鞋跑步以脚后跟触地的方式跑步的人要小的多。By landing on the middle orfront of the foot, barefoot runners have almost no impact collision, much less than most shod runners generate when they heel-strike.

用脚的中部或前部着地,赤脚跑步者几乎没有冲击性碰撞,冲力比大多数穿鞋跑脚跟着地产生的小很多。By landing on the middle or front of the foot, barefoot runners have almost no impact collision, much less than most shod runners generate when they heel-strike.