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图示隆胸术所用硅酮。Here is a silicone breast implant.

如果假体破损了,会发生什么?What happens if an implant ruptures?

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雨锲入庄重的雨靴。Rain implant in the serious rain boots.

现在,我每只耳朵里都植入了一个耳蜗。Now I have a cochlear implant in each ear.

在网络时代的今天,网站设计很重要。It's implant to designing website in Loday.

微创种植牙的概念?Concept of Minimally Invasive Dental Implant?

他知道如何使孩子们养成好习惯。He knows how to implant good habits in children.

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第二次就诊时手术暴露植体。Implant is uncovered at a second surgical visit.

NYL皮埋剂有保护OVX大鼠骨量的作用。NYL implant can protect the bone mass of OVX rats.

无一例因植入物错位而返修。There was no reoperation due to implant malposition.

好教师应该把高尚理想灌输给孩子们。A good teacher should implant high ideals in children.

早年的经历会在下意识中埋入恐惧感。Early experiences can implant fears in the subconscious.

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从植入植体到最终赝复可能需要3至4个月。Implant placement to final restoration possible in 3 to 4 months.

外科医生们计划在2011年末首次将这种人工心脏植入人体。Surgeons plan to perform the first implant in humans in late 2011.

植入植体后的立即功能性临时牙。Transitional functioning teeth immediately after implant placement.

至于手臂——那是由大脑植入系统所控制的假肢。And the arm underneath? A prosthetic -- controlled by brain implant.

纯钛是目前广泛应用于临床的人工种植牙植入材料。Nowadays, pure titanium has been widely used as an implant material.

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包括开发植入式设备,而那正是Braingate的关键。That included developing the implant device that’s key to BrainGate.

拜肯植体设计为具有翼环或圆碟的斜锥体型。The Bicon implant is a tapered implant design with fins or plateaus.

封堵器留在体内,输送系统则被撤出。The implant remains in the heart and the delivery system is removed.