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因为这是反直觉的。It seemed counterintuitive.

网络逻辑是违反直觉的。Network logic is counterintuitive.

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这是一个让所有人感到违心的论断。This is, of course, a counterintuitive argument.

他和直觉上的低买高卖是相反的。It is counterintuitive to buying low and selling high.

某些情况下,这些技巧看起来好像违反直觉。In some cases, the techniques can seem counterintuitive.

尽管如此,Munsch表示这个研究结果可能违反直觉。Nevertheless, Munsch says that the results may be counterintuitive.

当我们做到这一点则往往是非常违反直觉的结果。When we do that then there are often quite counterintuitive results.

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换句话说,储蓄到SLV里有些反直观。In other words, the deposits into SLV were somewhat counterintuitive.

某种意义上,这个观点-,我不知道,可能有点违反直觉。Now, this idea in a way is-- I don't know. Maybe it's a little counterintuitive.

你也能把任务分配到不同的列表中,虽然那是有悖常理的。You can also assign the task to a different list but it is somewhat counterintuitive.

这种现象似乎是反常识的,钱最少的人却消耗更多的卡路里。It seems counterintuitive that those with the least money should be consuming more calories.

这是一个关于军队斗智斗勇的故事,包含跌宕与起伏。This is a story about military strategy and tactics, with some counterintuitive twists and turns.

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这个跟我们的习惯有点不同,因为我们习惯先左后右。That's a slightly counterintuitive thing, because we are used to writing things from left to right.

一辆电动自行车不该有这样突兀的设计,而应该提供更轻松的骑行体验。That's counterintuitive to what an electric bicycle is offering, which is an easier riding experience.

然后,你要采取一些违背直觉的实践,鼓起勇气走出自己的舒适区。Then you must adopt counterintuitive practices that give you the courage to step out of your comfort zone.

他的研究激进、有魅力,且离经叛道,这让他扬名整个地中海。His search was so radical, charismatic and counterintuitive that he become famous throughout the Mediterranean.

这一发现似乎和我们的直觉正好相反,因为很多人都觉得在抽完烟后反应会更敏捷,注意力更集中。This finding may seem counterintuitive , since many smokers attest to feeling more alert and focused after smoking.

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首先,某些女性可能会被要求服用避孕药,这通常被认为违反直觉。First, some women may be asked to start taking birth control pills, a step Levens says often seems counterintuitive.

对许多美国人来说那似乎是反直觉的,因为他们总是把性自由是完全错误的。That seems counterintuitive to many Americans because they associate “sexual freedom” with things going totally awry.

如果说干旱和洪水都源于气候变暖,这有些违背直觉。It seems counterintuitive that climate change could be responsible for both withering droughts and devastating floods.