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这头牛在另一个世界耕作。This ox did otherworldly plowing.

沙尘形成许多超凡的地理景观,例如多孔隙的地面。Dust produces otherworldly landscapes, such as distinctively pitted terrain.

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突然一个沉默的异界入侵正在进行中,人类需要一个英雄。Suddenly a silent otherworldly invasion is underway, and mankind needs a hero.

异界能源的现象观看云彩,虽然风景怡人传播。Phenomena Of Otherworldly Energy Watch The Clouds, Spread As Though Enchanting.

加之有双蓝色的眼睛和出色的外表,沃肯具有一种脱俗的吸引力。With his ice blue eyes and unusual features, Walken has an otherworldly appeal.

我的作品主要探讨城市风格、现代性、进步以及超脱尘俗等主题。My work investigates issues of urbanity, modernity, progress and the otherworldly.

她就像一只螳螂,需要时间才能体会出她那奇特脱俗的美。Not unlike a praying mantis, her odd and otherworldly beauty takes time to notice.

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如今我们只需敲敲键盘,点点鼠标,弹指间,恍如隔世。Now we just need to knock the keyboard, little mouse, a swing, an otherworldly between.

SETI计划,正如其名所传达的,它是一个持续的寻找有知觉的、超凡的生命体。The SETI project is, as its name suggests, a continuous hunt for sentient, otherworldly life.

这超俗的轮廓的冰箱被成形是地热的泉水。The otherworldly contours of this ice chamber were formed by the heat of a geothermal spring.

爆炸还造成裂痕在荷兰本身,提请空想无形的进入外域。The blast also caused a rift in the Nether itself, drawing the otherworldly Ethereal's into Outland.

存在着不同凡响的环包围了土星这个星球,并向外扩展了数十万公里。Saturn's otherworldly rings encircle the planet and extend out for hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

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那只蝴蝶无疑是灵魂的一个暗喻,带着另一个世界的美丽和安静。The butterfly, with its otherworldly beauty and silence, is, of course, a common metaphor for the soul.

我怕现实中的我没有那么好,那么乖,那么浪漫,那么美,那么不食人间烟火。I'm afraid that in the real world, I'm not so good, so kind, so romantic, beautiful and so otherworldly.

当画面中出现大面积的高光区时,其余部分则呈现出超凡脱俗的柔软和光彩。Once large areas of the picture turn white the remaining areas take on an otherworldly softness and glow.

否定的人认为他们无所不能,但是他们却在错误的领域工作着。The naysayer is operating from a level of otherworldly omniscience and is in the wrong the field of work.

其入世思想丰富完整,出世思想也初具轮廓。His this-worldly idea was abundant and integrated, and the contour of the otherworldly idea was also formed.

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其他有不可思议的大浅盘或者碟子特征象征着来世力量或者考验英雄的价值。Other legends featured magical platters or dishes that symbolize otherworldly power or test the hero's worth.

“我认为语言就是一扇窗户,电脑会在一系列分析之后,通过另一种方式予以呈现”。"I think the word is 'eye, '" the computer says in an otherworldly voice, after performing a lengthy analysis.

当一个人半开玩笑地说希望成为使者迎接造访地球的外星人,这是一个好的消息。Which is good news to the man who half- jokingly says he hopes to be the ambassador to the otherworldly visitors.