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布里安·奥尼尔想恢复往昔的最高王位。Brian O'Neill now sought to revive the old high kingship.

她头上的蛇形装饰代表着王权。The snake that adorned her headdress was an emblem of kingship.

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这更是上帝预备大卫作王的计画之一。This was part of God's plan to prepare him for his future kingship.

光海君向宣祖表示免贱会加强宣祖的王权。Light sea king told XuanZu free base will strengthen XuanZu kingship.

无千禧年派比较正确理解基督的末世王权。A- millennial does better justice to the eschatological kingship of Christ.

在王权的相关研究中,女王的王权是-特殊但边缘的议题。Female rulership is a special but marginal topic among studies of kingship.

菲力浦在做国王的最初几年里专心致力于训练他的军队。Philip's first years of kingship were devoted to the discipline of his army.

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宣祖请李山海下棋,警告他不得对抗王权。Please lee san-hae XuanZu chess, warned him against kingship is not allowed.

英国王权是以盎格鲁-撒克逊时期日耳曼王权为基础发展起来的。British monarchy was based on the Germanic kingship in the Anglo-Saxon period.

他坚决表示,并在上帝的统治下作一位良善的君王。He made strong resolutions to serve as a worthy king under the kingship of God.

蓝礼和他差不多,统治风息堡,手握王权。Renly is in a similar position regarding his kingship and his lordship over Storm's End.

它所捍卫的哲学式王权本身,即是直接与雅典民主,断绝关系。Its defense of philosophic kingship is itself a direct repudiation of Athenian democracy.

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本文处理亨利八世政府在宗教改革期间的「王权宣传」问题。This paper deals with the kingship propaganda promoted by Henry VIII during the English Reformation.

在哈特谢普苏特行使王权的权威时,图特摩斯三世对帝国拥有的权力非常小。Thutmose III had little power over the empire while Hatshepsut exercised the formal authority of kingship.

问题是,为何苏格拉底认为哲学式王权,对,Kallipolis,是必备的,对这座正义之城?The question is why does Socrates regard philosophic kingship as required for Kallipolis, ? for the just city?

盎格鲁-撒克逊时期,基督教成为影响日耳曼王权发展的重要因素。In the Anglo-Saxon period, Christianity has become an important factor on the development of Germanic kingship.

他们有相当大的监控权威,从而使财政署受到王权更加严密的控制。After it, Treasury and Exchequer were seperated from the Household in order to control finance for the kingship.

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要是我,我宁愿自己是一个女人,有一座很好的房子,不用担心自己的王权或是这个国家的事务。I’d much rather be a lady, able to own a fine house and not worry about kingship or other such affairs of state.

但对柏拉图,特别形式之,哲学王权的异议,在其实践性。But most of the objections to Plato's particular form of the philosophic kingship on the practicality of his idea.

他去世后,他的儿子朱遮嗯,一个懦弱的人谁鄙视的责任,离开英国,以避免王权。After his death, his son Zhu Zhen, a cowardly man who disdained responsibility, left the kingdom to avoid kingship.