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这种新胶水的粘合力较强。This new glue makes a firmer bond.

发布版本2.3比主线更坚固。Release 2.3 is firmer than mainline.

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外表越坚强的人内心越脆弱吗?。Is the person heart with firmer appearance flimsier ?

资本建筑的基座,远比钢筋水泥来得坚固。The construction base of the capital firmer than armored concrete.

法律的一支要比人的意志更坚强有力。The disposition of aw is firmer and more powerful than the will of man.

他拐向东北,从硬一些的沙地穿过,朝鸽房走去。He turned northeast and crossed the firmer sand towards the Pigeonhouse.

做什么事才能使自己的意志力变的更坚强?Those who what thing ability do to make his psychokinesis changes is firmer?

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当涉及到接吻的生理时,我们却有着稍微坚实的基础。When it comes to the physiology of kissing we are on slightly firmer ground.

经加工的奶酪,类似于村舍式干酪,但结构上更干更紧。An unripened cheese similar to cottage cheese but drier and firmer in texture.

不管怎么样,法官们似乎已经将政府逼上更为坚固的底线。If anything, the judges seem to have prodded the government into a firmer line.

但是悲痛只能使他们更加坚定开拓前进的决心。But sorrowful only can cause their firmer development advance the determination.

甚至在她逝去后,影响历久弥坚,十亿个掌声依然如故。Even after her death, the effect remained and became even firmer as time goes by.

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采供血事业迈出了可持续发展的坚实步伐。The firmer step was made in sustainable development of blood Transfusion Services.

印度一些资深的商界领袖认为,印度对待中国应该更加强硬。Some senior Indian business leaders believe that India should be firmer with China.

阿富汗政府相对牢固的控制着楠格哈尔的局面。The Afghan government has a comparatively firmer grip on the situation in Nangarhar.

当你拉绳子时,垫子便会收紧,使床变得结实于是睡得更安稳。When you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on.

在中底的地方有令人胜任的楔形状缓冲垫,可保护足部内旋的现象。There's adequate cushioning in the midsole, as well as a firmer wedge to combat pronation.

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它虽不足以闯入宝马X5引领的乘坐平顺性领域,但比起RX来说仍然更为坚固。It's firmer than the RX without venturing into BMW X5 territory in terms of ride harshness.

添加上手在每个交叉结摩擦和不断增加的花边更坚定。Adding an overhand knot at each crossover increases friction and keeps the lacing much firmer.

一旦合并完成而且通过检验,我们就可以将合并的代码复制回更坚固的代码线。Once the merge is complete and verified, we can copy the merged code back to the firmer codeline.