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回流此混合物直至没有锡剩下。Reflux the mixture untill no tin remains.

学习如何减少酸反流的来源之一。Learn how to reduce one source of acid reflux.

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巧克力是高脂肪食物,脂肪又会引起反胃。Chocolate is high in fat, and fat causes reflux.

膀胱输尿管反流可在某些病例出现。Vesicoureteral reflux may develop in some cases.

裂孔疝与返流性食管炎。Hiatal hernia associated with reflux esophagitis.

我有同样的,它似乎是反酸。I had the same and it appeared to be acid reflux.

诊为吐酸,属虚寒、阳不足证型。The diagnosis is acid reflux of deficient cold pattern.

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怎样可以预防胃食管逆流呢?What can be done to prevent gastro- oesophageal reflux?

巧克力还是高可可含量,可可也会引起反胃。Chocolate is also high in cocoa, and cocoa causes reflux.

超高压提取的效率优于热回流提取。The efficiency of UPE was better than heat reflux extraction.

止回阀又称为逆流阀、逆止阀、肯压阀、单向阀。Check valve is also called the reflux valve, non-return valve.

过多会引起腹泻和太少造成返流的胃灼热。Too much causes diarrhea and too little causes reflux heartburn.

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我吃饭以后经常会在胸口这里有‘烧’的感觉。这只是胃部反酸的症状对吧?I've been having heartburn after meals. Could this be just acid reflux?

目的应用彩色多普勒评价正常受检查者股静脉返流情况。OBJECTIVE To assess the CDFI chareacters of normal femoral vein reflux.

RDQ在评估近端食管酸反流有一定临床意义。RDQ is a useful tool in the assessment of proximal esophageal acid reflux.

目的探索反流性食管炎患者的食管形态学动态方面的改变。Objective To discuss the dynamic change of reflux esophagitis in morphology.

治疗胃酸反流的药物主要通过中和及减少胃部分泌的胃酸起效。Reflux drugs focus on neutralizing or reducing acid produced in the stomach.

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结果血液倒流性疾病52例,血液回流障碍性疾病41例。Results The blood flousback in 52 case, the blood reflux obstacle in 41 case.

研究了冷凝回流在压水堆中破口失水事故中的作用。The effect of condensation reflux model in PWR LOCA analyses was investigated.

汽水和其它的碳酸饮料是导致反胃的一大原因。Soda and other carbonated beverages are some of the main causes of acid reflux.