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那是四月,气候和煦。It was April, balmy and warm.

哦那些芳香的繁盛的日子。Oh the balmy days and palmy days.

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美丽睡衣温和的气候。Beautiful sleepwear for balmy weather.

但美国其他的州也有温和宜人的气候。But other states have balmy weather, too.

在阳光照耀下,游泳者高举着从温和的海水中摘到的“星星”。Sun-kissed bathers hold aloft 'stars' plucked from balmy seas.

至少谈判正在暖和的坎昆进行着,是吗?At least the negotiations are happening in balmy Cancun, right?

你做了什么使你招此报应,在温馨的一天糟蹋了早餐?What did you do to deserve it, ruining breakfast on a balmy day?

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我领悟到三月里空气中初透微熏的清新。To a certain muddy March freshness, when the air has a balmy promise.

由于地处热带地区,因此这里的气候四季如春,温和宜人。Situated between the tropics , we enjoy a balmy climate all year round.

美丽的沙滩,广濶的空间,在宜人的傍晚下班后烤肉。Glorious beaches, wide open spaces, barbecues after work on balmy evenings.

爱是一丝温暖的微风,它能化解繁乱生活中的焦虑和伤痛。Love is balmy wind that soothes 7 pain and anxiety from the tempests of the life.

所有受试人员在温度为86华氏度的心理实验室做骑车运动。All of the volunteers rode bikes in a physiology lab heated to a balmy 86 degrees.

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瑞蒙在气候宜人的三月下午抵达台北,两天后到宜兰。He arrived in Taipei on a balmy March afternoon and 2 days later arrived in Yilan.

在一个秋高气爽的日子里,昭君告别了故土,登程北去。One balmy autumn day, Zhaojun bid a farewell to her hometown and set out to the north.

花园里百花盛开,柑果黄熟,温和的气候吸引着人们到户外进行娱乐活动。Gardens are in full bloom, the citrus crops ripen, and balmy weather invites outdoor recreation.

在温暖的星期四晚上,只要有72人上了飞机驾驶和晚上7时30分至下午六时三十。On a balmy Thursday evening, just 72 people took a flight on the wheel between 6.30pm and 7.30pm.

托卡伊地区,受到喀尔巴阡山脉山麓丘陵的庇护,拥有独一无二的温和的小气候。Tokaji, sheltered by the foothills of the Carpathian mountains, has a singularly balmy microclimate.

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和他产生共鸣的,是排钟和摇曳的棕榈树发出的声音,还有轻拂在古董间的沁人凉风。He is joined by the sounds of chimes, swaying palms and balmy breezes blowing through ancient relics.

景色优美的名山、温和宜人的海滩和某个不夜城似乎都是最佳的选择。Scenic mountains, balmy beaches, and a certain city that never sleeps would seem like top contenders.

他的研究结果显示,百慕达附近平静海洋的表面海水,富含遗传物质。His results showed that the surface water in the balmy sea around Bermuda teems with genetic material.