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他们是真人,还是一些机器人呢?Are they real or just some bot accounts?

而现在,知识毫无区别地应用在两方面上。It is now being used indifferently for bot.

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支持校管会家长代表的工作。Support the parents' representatives of BOT.

传送指定的机器人到给定的坐标。Teleports a specified bot to a given coordinate.

下面是暴露的外汇增长BOT评级。Below is the rating of the exposed Forex Growth Bot.

多量领航员规划给腐烂的机器人打点。Lots of pilots plot to dot the rotten rogrinding bot.

这款机器人将分三个阶段逐步被应用于实际操作。The bot will be phased into operation in three stages.

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合作店肤蝇等幼虫安慰现下命令关于地方服务生的功能。Co-Op bot console commands now function on local servers.

哦不,我不建议使用机器人或者自动回复。No, I am not suggesting using a bot or having autoresponders.

稍后将看到,还将使用该项目来放置机器人。As youâ ™ll see later, we also use this project to house our bot.

为了达到最佳效果,设置36个机器人数量,以及机器人的比例为90。For best results, set the bot number to 36, and the bot ratio to 90.

该代理类与客户机共存,对于您来说是机器人。This proxy class resides with the client, which in your case is the bot.

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很多美国人可能都在开车时接触到过BOT项目。Americans are most likely to have encountered BOT projects in their cars.

一只6条腿的小虫,是速度最快的可移动机器人之一。A six-legged bug bot that's one of the most speedy and mobile robots around.

我需要一个程序来打开,关闭并重新打开3僵尸。exe的计时表上的。I need a program to open, close and re-open 3 bot . exe's on a timed schedule.

具体分析BOT方式在城市轨道交通建设中的应用。Particularly analyzing the applications of BOT modal in city-rail-transit in China.

第三章探讨了BOT项目中的风险分担机制。In the third chapter, the writer mainly discusses on the risk sharing system in BOT.

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机器宇航员计划始于1996年,2000年该机器人的第一个原型正式亮相。The Robonaut project began in 1996 and the first version of the bot came out in 2000.

这一系统试图分辨尝试验证的用户是人类或机器人。They essentially try to verify whether a user filling out a text form is human or a bot.

但我们特别喜爱的机器人全是四腿的机械骡子,就象有名的“大狗”。But our favorite of' bot of all is the four-legged mechanical pack mules known as the BigDog.