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食性分化推动了同域物种形成。Host plants differentiation accelerates sympatric speciation.

相似物种在共域活动时经常发生资源分配的情形。Similar species are often found to partition resources where they are sympatric.

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这些发现表明抗白背飞虱基因在中国存在于同一生态区的粳稻地方品种中。This finding indicated that WBPH resistance genes were retained in sympatric japonica landraces in China.

结果导致同域物种形成,即使没有地理隔离也会产生新的物种。This can result in sympatric speciation , in which new species arise even though no geographical isolation has taken place.

经常提到的同域物种形成实例,是在同一地区的、依赖于不同寄主植物的昆虫中发现的。Often cited examples of sympatric speciation are found in insects which become dependent on different host plants in the same area.

皮科克发现了南北美洲分布区重叠的两种豆科植物对同样的气候趋势有完全不同的适应策略。Peacock discovered very different strategies of adaptation to the same climatic trends in the two sympatric legumes of North and South America.

植物次生物质对叶甲的寄主范围起到决定性作用,在物种形成特别是同域物种形成过程中起到十分重要的作用。Plant secondary substances determine diet breadth to a great extent. They play a significant role in speciation, especially the sympatric speciation.

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研究结果有助于了解同域物种的资源利用特点和分化方式,对于地区生物多样性的保育工作亦具有指导意义。The study results are helpful to identify resource use traits and niche differentiation of sympatric species and to the biodiversity conservation of a region.

最普遍被承认的同域物种形成的例子是,东非那布加波的慈鲷,该例子被认为是由性选择引起的。The most widely accepted example of sympatric speciation is that of the cichlids of LakeNabugabo in East Africa, which is thought to be due to sexual selection.

研究结果证实张家口为亚洲玉米螟和欧洲玉米螟混生区,而且在玉米中很可能有少量欧洲玉米螟与亚洲玉米螟混生。These results show that ACB and ECB are sympatric in the Zhangjiakou area of Hebei Province and it is very likely that a small number of ECB coexist with ACB on corn plants.

这项研究的主要目的是确定狼、赤狐和乌苏里貉这三种犬科动物的食性及它们之间的食物生态位重叠程度。Objectives for this study were to compare food habits of Wolves, Red Foxes and Raccoon Dogs and to determine if them exhibited food niche overlap in areas where they are sympatric.

另一方面是通过机械隔离机制,即由熊蜂不同的访花行为以及植物花部结构上的差异避免柱头与熊蜂携带的异种花粉接触。The reproductive isolation among sympatric Pedicularis species is influenced by the differences of pollinator behavior and floral form via ethological isolation and mechanical isolation.