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她不会再来这个报摊了。She will never come into the bookstall again.

你在读在书摊上买的那本书吗?Are you reading the book you picked up at the bookstall?

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在戏院旁边的书摊上你能买到电影杂志。You can buy the movie magazine at the bookstall by the theatre.

你可以买本导游手册或旅游图。报亭就在那边。You can buy a guidebook or a tourist map. The bookstall is just over there.

是去买衣服的时候,不看衣服,只找报亭的人。We are the persons who only find bookstall but not clothes when we go to shopping!

新闻纸将不能在数年之后,又在书摊杂志?。Will newsprint not be available in a few years time, also magazines at the bookstall ?

奥斯卡发现,即使在报刊亭里都也摆放了很多玫瑰花和百合花,奥斯卡买了一束红玫瑰和一些白色的百合花。Then he went to a bookstall 8 to buy a piece of paper. Oscar found even in the bookstall , there were lots of roses and lilies.

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还有半小时的光景,供他们坐车到火车站,摆出见过世面的旅客的样干,在车站的书摊上买几份近期周刊。There was still half an hour left in which to drive to the station, buy the last weeklies at the bookstall with the air of seasoned travellers.

一家街道边的书亭卖主把盗版书推荐给BBC的记者,但当他知道他在与媒体打交道时,他立刻把书收到了书堆中”。One street bookstall vendor offered the book to BBC reporters but upon learning he was dealing with the media quickly hid it among piles of others.

那是一天下午放学后,他在街边的书摊前瞎转,转了大半天也没有什么值得好看的书。That is midday of one the world after school, he turns foolishly before the bookstall of street edge, turned to also be worth good-looking book without what a long time greatly.