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无神论变得无关,有神论也无关。It has nothing to do with antitheism or theism.

无神论变得无关,有神论也无关。Antitheism has nothing to with it, nor does theism.

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在这点上无论是东西方还是有神和无神论者,似乎得到了统一。真不容易呀。The theism and the antitheism seems united here, it is not an easy thing.

李洪志及其“法轮大法”尤其敌视唯物论和无神论,视唯物论和无神论如死敌。Li Hongzhi and his "Falun Dafa" was particularly hostile to material and antitheism.

因为毕竟是一个学工科的,对无神论有比较深刻的了解。After all, I had learnt engineering courses and had a clear understanding of antitheism.

中共也并非封杀信仰,反而是尊重宗教信仰,只不过提倡无神论。By banning on Falun Gong, CCP aims to respect religious belief even though it advocates antitheism.

马克思列宁主义的辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义是彻底的无神论。Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism of Marxism and Leninism are of thorough antitheism.

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中国政府推行马克思主义和无神论,所以在我们生活中宗教并不扮演重要角色。Chinese government pushes Marxism and antitheism , so religions don't play an important role in our lives.

春秋时是我国文化史的轴心时代,中国学术史上的第一个无神论思潮已经形成。"Spring and Autumn Period" is the core in Chinese culture. It was in that period that the first tend of thought of antitheism came into being in Chinese learning.

世界观方面,他在无神论与有神论之间徘徊,他由一个新教徒成长为一个无神论者,但是他的无神论永远都打着宗教信仰的烙印。In the aspect of his world outlook, he bellwavered between antitheism and theism. He grew up from a Protestant to an antitheist, but his antitheism has a firm brand of faith.

所以,他用一切谎言、骗术煽动练习者反对马克思主义的唯物论、无神论。Li Hongzhi surely didn't want to see that happened, therefore he instigated Falun Gong practitioners with any possible lies and trickeries to act against Marxist materialism and antitheism.

过去接触宗教也是从一个无神论的角度去接受哲理或者思想,并没有从真正的有神论的角度来理解。I accepted the philosophy or the ideas from the point of view of antitheism when contacting with the religions in the past. I never tried to understand the ideas from the point of view of theism.