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村民没有一个是很鸡婆的。None of the villagers was very forthcoming.

预算报告甚至不想透露太多消息。The budget report was even less forthcoming.

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关于本主题的一个专论即将推出。A monograph on the subject might be forthcoming.

我们预计会有稍多一点的成果,但没有达成。We expected a bit more but it was not forthcoming.

更有甚者,可以写出100个未来博文的题目,或者再为他们写出内容梗概,描绘博文可能的内容。Even better, create 100 titles of forthcoming posts.

纳米技术是一门多学科交叉、综合的前沿领域。Nano-technology is a full-blooded, forthcoming field.

咨询处的那位年轻姑娘非常愿意提供帮助。The young girl in the inquiry office was very forthcoming.

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问讯处的那位年青女性非常愿意提供帮助。The young lady in the inquiry office was very forthcoming.

是否会有更多经费尚未确定。Wheather more money will be forthcoming is an open question.

是否会有更多经费尚未确定。Whether more money will be forthcoming is an opern question.

胡罗卜可塑性的其他证明也垂手可得。Other proof of the plasticity of carrot was also forthcoming.

乜许那颗即将冰冷旳心会重新温暖。Perhaps Images from the forthcoming cold heart would re-warm.

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沙鲁克,谁是他即将上映的影片“镭忙拍。Shah Rukh, who is busy shooting for his forthcoming film "Ra."

与媒体接触须真诚及随和。Always be truthful and forthcoming when dealing with the media.

来月经前胸部会痛吗?。Is ministry of prothorax of forthcoming month classics painful?

与此相反,我们的实际行动却是相当乐以助人的。The outcome of our actions, on the contrary, is quite forthcoming.

我希望在下一篇文章中回到这些诱人的观点上来。I hope to return to these fascinating ideas in a forthcoming essay.

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每一款海报都展示了新片中各个不同的人群。Each shows a different group of characters in the forthcoming flick.

布告牌上列出了学校即将举行的各项活动。On the noticeboard there was a list of forthcoming events at school.

他的母亲已经告诉了他关于他的命运,她说好运即将到来了。His mother had told him his fortune and she said luck was forthcoming.