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你的爱犬越来越发福吗?Is your puppy getting pudgy?

他指向面包师,矮胖的纳佐林。He pointed to the baker, the pudgy Nazorine.

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他是个大黑块头,而我是个红头发的小矮胖子。He was a massive black giant and I was a pudgy little redhead.

一个矮墩墩的女服务员领我们到了一个昏暗的包间。A pudgy hostess leads us to a dimly lit private room without windows.

宽广的面颊,矮墩墩的身材,人们都说他是“丰满的布法罗人”。Broad cheek, pudgy figure, people says he is " plump cloth law Luo Ren ".

留下的只是大腹便便的你,而你没有动力去减掉它。What's left is a pudgy belly that you do not have the motivation to lose.

我们在人行道中间拦住了那个矮胖小子。We stopped the pudgy kid in the middle of the sidewalk and surrounded him.

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我们在人行道的中间挡住了这个小胖墩儿的去路,将他围住。We stopped the pudgy kid in the middle of the sidewalk and surrounded him.

进入一座办公楼,他看到一个矮胖的老妇人走进一个小房间。Entering an office building, he saw a pudgy older woman step into a small room.

刚进入一座办公楼,他看见一个矮胖的老妇人走进一个小房间。Entering an office building, he saw a pudgy older woman step into a small room.

老太太说,因为觉得自己有点又矮又胖的,所以那时56岁的她的才开始练习举重。She says she started lifting weights at age 56 because she felt a little pudgy.

你原以为你今晚能够幸免,胖墩,但今夜无眠。You thought you'd get away with it, pudgy , but tonight is a night without sleep.

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如果你有一个圆面,或矮墩墩的脸,你给他们留下一个小的厚一边。If you have a round face, or a pudgy face, you have to leave them a little on the thick side.

某些研究表明,轻微的矮胖对健康影响不大,甚至可能还有益处。Some research has suggested being a little pudgy has little effect or can even be a good thing.

我们爱我们的女儿,所以我们不愿意让他们因为矮胖也遭受到我们所受的侮辱。We love our girls, so we don't want them to suffer the indignities we have suffered for being pudgy.

在卧舱中的一个战士把自己贴在甲板上,他矮胖的身体在颤抖,怀中还紧抱着他的机枪。A fighter in the sleeping cabin flung himself to the ground, his pudgy figure shaking and hugging his machine gun.

吴先生比较矮胖,吴太太叫他“小胖子”。他的脾气也不太好,污染使他更加暴躁了。Mr. Wu is small and pudgy. Ms. Xu calls him "little fatty. " He also has a short temper, and pollution sparked it.

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我将那盘磁带拉出来,仔细聆听这种陌生鸟儿的歌声,但我无法找到任何与我这只胖嘟嘟腼腆朋友相匹配的地方。I pulled that tape out and listened for this new bird song, but I couldn't find any that matched my pudgy , shy friend.

思维敏捷、知识渊博的小胖墩查尔斯是影片导演。Pudgy Charles is the director, with the quick mind, bossiness and vast reserves of movie lore that mark a budding auteur.

我想伸手去触摸这只胖嘟嘟的海洋宝宝,但还是有些踌躇,不知道该如何处理这种不同种类生物间的交流。I wanted to reach out and touch the pudgy sea baby, but I hesitated, not knowing the rules of this inter-species encounter.