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他是巴西人—他还是我的朋友。He's Brazilian – and he is my friend.

你觉得他作为巴西人怎么样?What do you think of him as a Brazilian?

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我是一名记者,但我也是一位巴西人。I am a journalist, but I am also Brazilian.

比如,我就很喜欢AC米兰队的巴西前锋卡卡。I like Kaka, AC Milans Brazilian football star!

比如,我就很喜欢AC米兰队的巴西前锋卡卡。I like Kaka, AC Milan's Brazilian football star!

巴西国家层次的管理人员必须批准。The Brazilian country-level manager must approve.

巴西人感谢了他的队友和俱乐部。The Brazilian thanks the team-mates and the club.

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谨以此文纪念我亦友亦父的巴西客户!To memorize my Brazilian friend, daddy, customer!

维尼修斯是多种巴西动物的混合体。Vinicius is a mix of different Brazilian animals.

巴西队踢起球来带有感染力很强的激情。Brazilian teams play with a contagious exuberance.

他责怪巴西的官僚主义造成了这种阻碍。He blames Brazilian bureaucracy for this set-back.

他一个星期还练习五天的巴西柔术。He trains in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu five days a week.

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现在,美国也补助巴西的棉农。Now the U.S. paying Brazilian cotton farmers, too.

被一亿八千万颗心关注的巴西战车。Vehicle monitored by 180 million Brazilian hearts.

里约热内卢贫民窟里孩童们在玩耍。Brazilian children play in a Rio de Janeiro favela.

这位巴西球员在禁区边缘击败了巴希。The Brazilian beat Bassi from the edge of the area.

我们都知道巴西队是世界上最好的足球队。We know Brazilian Team is the top one of the world.

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巴西籍工程师的管理员必须批准。The manager of the Brazilian engineers must approve.

SUS下的家庭医生只能服务到1/2的巴西民众。SUS’s family doctors reach only one Brazilian in two.

我知道巴西的骗子非常多。I have an idea about the amount of Brazilian hustlers.