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收获节或五旬节。Feast of Harvest or Pentecost.

但我仍要在厄弗所逗留到五旬节。But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost.

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比如,查考使徒行传2章五旬节的故事。For an example, examine Acts 2, the Pentecost account.

真理之灵是在2000年前圣灵降临节赠予的你们的保惠师。The spirit of truth is your comforter bestowed 2000 years ago at Pentecost.

五旬节日一到,众人都聚集一处。On the day of Pentecost all the Lord's followers were together in one place.

因道成肉身和圣灵降临在人身上作工时,范围是有限的。As a result of flesh and Pentecost people in the conduct, the scope is limited.

当宗徒们在晚餐厅,等待圣神降临的时候,圣母也与宗徒们在一起。Our Lady was present in the cenacle with the Apostles as they waited for Pentecost.

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五旬节到了,门徒都聚集在一处。And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

就基督徒个人来说,在他们蒙恩归主时期就是经历他们自己的五旬节。On an individual basis each Christian experiences his own Pentecost at the time of conversion.

对于早期信徒在五旬节讲方言,你怎样描述那些方言?When the early Christians at Pentecost spoke in tongues, how would you describe those tongues?

五旬节的陆上跳水员是现代跳水运动的先驱。Land diving, Vanuatu. "The land divers of Pentecost are the fore-runners of modern bungy jumping."

七七节或收获节在新约称为五旬节,是在逾越节或无酵节过后第50天。Feast of Weeks or Shavuot in New Testament is called Pentecost coming 50 days after Passover or Unleaven Bread.

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在整个欧洲,圣灵降临节后的周二有很多纪念形式,包括祈祷集会和特别的教堂服务。Across Europe, the Tuesday after Pentecost is marked in many ways, including with prayer rallies and special church services.

我们在棕榈主日、逾越节、复活主日、母亲节、五旬节及父亲节都有极美好的欢庆。We had wonderful celebrations on Palm Sunday, Feast of Passover, Sunrise Sunday, Mather's Day, Pentecost Sunday and Father's Day.

每个人都需在十字架的经验里与耶稣合而为一,才能真正经历到五旬节的意义是什麽,圣灵是如何管理我们。Each one of us needs to experience this fellowship with Christ in His cross if the Spirit of Pentecost is really to take possession of us.

每年四、五月间,南圣灵降临岛的男人们搭起这些高塔,然后再从上面飞跃下来,用这种疯狂的方式显示他们的勇敢无畏。Every year during April and May the men of Southern Pentecost Island build these towers and hurl themselves off in a crazy display of courage.

在晚祷的圣灵降临节在东方教会的特殊服务跪拜的陪同下,长期诗意的祈祷和诗歌,发生。At Vespers of Pentecost in the Oriental Churches the extraordinary service of genuflexion , accompanied by long poetical prayers and psalms, takes place.

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是所有基督徒都能体验舌头如火焰落在他们头上的圣灵的力量,还是仅是五旬节上的一些基督徒?Do all Christians experience the Holy Spirit's power by having tongues of fire rest upon their heads, or was that just some of the Christians on the Day of Pentecost?

五旬节也是一星期的第一天,既是星期天,这就是为什么教会每星期天聚会的一个非常重要的原因。The day of Pentecost was also the first day of the week, which is Sunday, a very significant reason why the church started congregating together on Sunday of each week.

因此犹大与其部下表示感激,也忠告他们以后对自己的民族继续表示友善。因七七节来近了,他们便回了耶路撒冷。Judas and his men thanked these people and asked them to extend the same kindness to his race in the future. Then they returned to Jerusalem, since the feast of Weeks of Pentecost was approaching.