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你们都是朱丽叶?You’re all Juliet?

朱丽叶是个白痴。Juliet is an idiot.

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满足朱丽叶或马伏里奥。Meet Juliet or Malvolio.

在那个舞会上,他遇见了朱丽叶。At the party, he meets Juliet.

她改演朱丽叶一角。She has been recast as Juliet.

是亚洲的罗密欧与朱丽叶。It's the Romeo and Juliet of Asia.

刚才我差点撞到了罗密欧和朱丽叶。I almost ran over Romeo and Juliet.

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就像命中注定一样,我演茱莉叶。As fate would have it, I was juliet.

我喜爱的“罗密欧与茱丽叶”的工作。I loved working on Romeo and Juliet.

朱丽叶在我身边,我还能知什么。Juliet was next me and I do not know.

他焦急地等待着茱丽叶的消息。He was anxious to hear news of Juliet.

朱丽叶选择不看那部烂片。Juliet chose not to see the bad movie.

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“天气实在太热了,”茱丽叶想着。"This sun is too hot, " thought Juliet.

朱丽叶·肖尔与道格拉斯·霍尔特编辑。Edited by Juliet Schor and Douglas Holt.

罗蜜欧在阳台上凝视著茱丽叶。Romeo gazed up to Juliet on her balcony.

对此,罗密欧与朱丽叶还得负很多责任呢!Romeo and Juliet have much to answer for!

马沙将扮演茱丽叶的角色。Martha is going to play the role of Juliet.

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茱丽叶支持保守派的政治观点。Juliet espouses conservative political views.

朱丽叶只是为了倾诉衷肠,以身相许,再一次把它赠送给你。JULIET But to be frank, and give it thee again.

茱丽叶转向罗密欧,并凝视着他的双眸。Juliet turned to Romeo and gazed into his eyes.