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当你的自尊心开始遽然下跌时。When your self-esteem starts to plummet.

如果输了,睾丸酮水平就会骤降。If they lose, their testosterone levels will plummet.

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壹友贬值的消息,菏票价格就暴跌了。Share plummet or plunge on the news of the devaluation.

沃尔夫注视着它垂直掉落在一片被毁坏的林地中。Wolff watched it plummet toward a ravaged area of woodland.

倦感,睡意和不可避免的工作效率的大幅下降。Grogginess, sleepiness and the inevitable productivity plummet.

如果市场枯竭,资产价值沉底,后果令人难以想象。That could be alarming if markets dry up and asset values plummet.

“更年期”一词指的是五十岁左右的妇女其生殖激素快速下降。The word refers to the rapid plummet of women’s reproductive hormones around age fifty.

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如果利率上涨,那么这些银行所持有的美国国债的价值将大幅缩水。If interest rates rose, then the value of the government bonds the banks hold would plummet.

尽管这里的平均气温是零下25摄氏度,最冷时会降到零下40度,夏季时升到零度左右。Although the average temperature is-25C, it can plummet to -40 or soar to zero in the summer.

随着梅根练习得越来越频繁,而且瞒着父母吃得更少,她的体重开始暴跌。But as Megan exercised more and, unbeknown to her parents, ate less, her weight began to plummet.

由于乌克兰问题导致的美俄关系骤冷,莫斯科对国际空间站的长远前景疑虑重重。Moscow has cast doubt on the ISS's long-term future as ties with Washington plummet over Ukraine.

我看到一些天资聪颖的孩子成绩突然直线下降。I see children who have all sorts of talent, and then all of a sudden their grades start to plummet.

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难怪道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数8月初时一天就暴跌513点。No wonder the dow Jones industrial average stock price index in early August day plummet 513 points.

这一次,我们将不会直线下降继而舒服地弹回原地,这回的萧条会有不同寻常的深远影响。This time, we will not plummet down and then bounce back comfortably to where we were before it all started.

很多人将自己与欲望牵连在一起,如果欲壑难填,情绪就会跌入谷底。Most people attach themselves to a desire, and when they don't get it, their emotions plummet into negativity.

近来的一些评估表明,在未来十年内,艾滋病患者的寿命有可能会急剧下降到30岁。Recent estimates have shown that within the next decade, the life expectancy may plummet even more to 30 years.

泳池的上表面长21米宽18米,但越往深处越窄,像一个垂直的深洞。The pool at the surface is 21m by 18m but it becomes a narrow well-like hole as the depths plummet straight down.

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各位即将跟随自己身上流出的一滴汗珠,一起坠入河流之中,形成倾盆大雨,摇身变成海龙卷,或是聚集成为飓风。You follow a drop of your own sweat and plummet with it becoming a river, a flash flood, a waterspout, a hurricane.

几家公司已经试图通过出售其许可证筹集现金,这造成了碳价格的骤然下降。Several companies sought to raise cash by selling their carbon certificates, causing the price of carbon to plummet.

为什么球迷的自尊心随着胜利而高涨,随着失败而低落,有时会影响到他们以后很长时间的生活?Why does fans' self-esteem soar with victory and plummet in defeat, sometimes affecting their lives long afterwards?