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嗨哟-嗨哟-嗨哟喂!A hey and a hi dee ho!

为泰—森配音的是迪伊·布拉德利·贝克。Thi-Sen was voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.

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你在本科学历还是硕士学历?You are study for Bachelor or Master dee ?

狄仁杰这一角色为何会吸引你呢?What attracted you to the character of Dee Renjie?

庞迪团队桑德拉了创业技能,把它变成现实。Enrico Rikki Dee had the entrepreneurial skill to turn it into reality.

菲尼克斯太阳队在签下迪-布朗之前举行了一个六名球员的试训!The Phoenix Suns held an open workout with six guards before signing Dee Brown.

而当狄仁杰担任大臣后,她的激进和极端才逐渐改变。When Dee Renjie became a minister, she gradually changed from this radical extreme.

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后来,我和不怕死的迪伊到河里游了一会水,鳄鱼,什么是鳄鱼?Later, Dee ‘Danger Is My Middle Name’ and I head to the river for a swim. Crocodiles?

在其间某一时刻,迪.迪.迈尔斯走进工厂的小办公室给竞选总部打电话。At some point, Dee Dee Myers went into the plant’s small office and called headquarters.

但是我们投的只是政治上双头垄断的一方,我们投的只是“非聋即哑”。But when we vote for a member of the political duopoly, we are only voting for "Dee or Dum".

加拿大哥伦比亚大学的摄影师再一次成功的捕捉到了当天令人激动的场面。Once again UBC photographer Martin Dee did a fine job of capturing the excitement of the day.

露比?迪表示她强烈支持让儿童听到老一辈人的故事这样的项目。Ruby Dee says she strongly supports efforts for children to hear the stories of older people.

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影片描绘了睿智的的神探狄仁杰和专制的女皇武则天两个角色,形成强烈的对比。The film depicts a strong contrast between the characters of the cerebral Judge Dee and tyrannical Empress Wu.

一九九二年九月,曾经帮助普里茅斯的皇家剧院与社区建立联系的迪•伊文斯,参观了社区中心。In September 1992, Dee Evans, who helped Plymouth's Theatre Royal build links with the community, visited the center.

詹姆斯·弗雷德里克是南卡罗来纳州克莱姆森大学病虫害研究与教育中心的IPM专家。James Frederick is an IPM expert with Clemson University's Pee Dee Research and Educational Center in South Carolina.

穿过佛罗拉大街,便看到了由乔舒亚·普林斯·拉莫斯及雷姆·库哈斯共同设计的成银色立方体状的迪和查尔斯·威利剧院。Across the street is the Dee and Charles Wyly Theatre, a silver cube designed by Joshua Prince-Ramus and Rem Koolhaas.

正当苏忙着准备为迪•伊文斯朗读的材料时,一件奇妙的事发生了——她把一篇短文改写成了一部剧。As Sue worked on her material for Dee Evans, something extraordinary happened-it developed from a brief reading into a play.

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在梯河钓鱼时,王储夫妇选择了渔夫渔妇的装扮。He appropriately opted for Wellington boots and fisherman pants while fishing on the River Dee with the Duchess of Cornwall.

音乐家,像扭曲姐妹组合的迪·施奈德、KISS组合成员以及说唱歌手史诺普·道格都敲过纽交所的钟。Musicians, such as Dee Snider of Twisted Sister, members of the KISS, and the rapper Snoop Dogg have all rung the NYSE bell.

在专辑德埃德埃布里奇沃特唱着爵士乐标准,“你是我的,”一旦记录比利假日与萨克斯演奏家莱斯特年轻。On the album Dee Dee Bridgewater sings the jazz standard, "All Of Me, " once recorded by Billie Holiday with saxophonist Lester Young.