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你们俩有一腿。You two had a fling.

是爱情还是有一腿?Is it love or a fling?

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把她扔到厨房里去!Fling her into the kitchen!

决不要抛弃你的学业。Never fling up your studies.

把球掷回给我,好吗?Fling me back the ball,will you?

叫他不要用力关门。Tell him not to fling to the door.

你为什么脱口说出那个意见?Why did you fling out that remark?

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我将垃圾扔在肥堆上。I fling my waste on the compost pile.

扔出来的一面,你融化了。Fling out to the side as you melt down.

我可以在半个小时内即席作诗一首。I can fling off a poem in half an hour.

要我是你呀,我就连盆都扔下去!Aw'd fling in bowl un all, if Aw wer yah!

我作大胆的猜测,你们俩有一腿。I take a wild guess, you two had a fling.

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我的诗章像快步舞或快跑一样旅行。My verses shall trip ye a jig of a fling.

我的诗章像快步舞或快跑一样旅行。My verses shall trip ye a jig or a fling.

那个罪犯企图甩掉追捕他的警察。The criminal tried to fling off the police.

今天我一鼓作气背了50个单词。I memorized 50 new words at one fling today.

你可以娶她,也可以仅和她一夜风流。You can marry her, or have a fling with her.

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大家都看到她一往情深地恋着你。Everybody saw her fling herself at your head.

你怎么能遗妻弃子呢?How can you fling away your wife and children?

那匹小马看到他进来就开始又踢又跳。Seeing him coming,the pony began to fling out.