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看到她时,他感到心烦意乱。He was overset by seeing her.

路面上有一辆倾覆的公共汽车。There's a bus overset on the road.

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这个内容框架不能包含溢出文字。The content frame should not include overset text.

发展了动态非结构重叠网格技术。A new dynamic unstructured overset grid method is de ve loped.

本文研究了基于非结构的重叠网格算法。The unstructured overset grid algorithm is explored in this paper.

呈现在我眼前的这一美的形象似乎比我在最美好的梦境中所见过的更美。Here seemed to me a more perfect beauty than had ever come to me in my overset dreams of beauty.

因为一没帆、二没桨、三没舵,只要有点风,就会把木排打翻在海里。Having neither sail oar or rudder and the least cap full of wind would have overset all my navigation.

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当我们被赶出了四,五英里,汹涌浪潮来袭我们这样拼命,这溢流一次船。After we had been driven four or five miles, a raging wave struck us so furiously that it overset the boat at once.

光是麦里屯一个可怜的民兵团和每个月开几次舞蹈会,就弄得我们神魂颠倒了,怎么当得起白利屯和那整营的官兵!Brighton, and a whole campful of soldiers, to us, who have been overset already by one poor regiment of militia, and the monthly balls of Meryton.

光是麦里屯一个可怜的民兵团和每个月开几次跳舞会,就弄得我们神魂颠倒了,怎么当得起白利屯和那整营的官兵!Brighton, and a whole campful of soldiers, to us, who have been overset already by one poor regiment of militia, and the monthly balls of Meryton.

为了模拟前飞桨叶间的相对运动,网格布局采用了运动嵌套网格方法。The moving overset grid method is employed to account the relative motion among the blades which are rotating, cyclic pitching and cyclic flapping.

基于非结构动态嵌套网格,将聚合多重网格方法引入到旋翼的前飞流场计算中。An agglomeration multigrid method was applied to numerical calculation of rotor forward flight flow based upon the unstructured dynamic overset grids.

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男性研究可以对生态保护做出贡献,鼓励男性颠覆父权文化的压迫,与女性携手保护生态。Being able to redound to environment protection, men's study encourage the male to overset the oppression of the patriarchy , and protect the environment hand in hand with the female.

利用动态重叠网格方法处理扰流片和主翼相对移动,分析了扰流片快速张开诱发的升力过冲现象及其形成机理。The spoiler moving relative to a stationary airfoil is treated by a dynamic overset grid method. The mechanism of the adverse lift caused by the rapidly deploying spoiler is analyzed.

利用动态重叠网格方法处理扰流片和主翼相对移动,分析了扰流片快速张开诱发的升力过冲现象及其形成机理。The spoiler moving relative to a stationary airfoil is treated by a dynamic overset grid method. The mechanism of the adverse lift because of the rapidly deploying spoiler is analyzed.

通过以上计算,指出了重叠网格在解决诸如变道超车等问题的潜力,为解决实际车型的变道超车等问题提出了简便实用的方法,具有一定的指导意义。These calculations show the potential of overset mesh method to solve the problems such as overtaking by switching lines, and which can provide a way for solving such problems of the actual vehicles.