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崔姬又像男孩又像女孩,是她当时真实的生活写照。Twiggy was a little of both boy and girl, a mirror of her time.

62岁的超模Twiggy怎么看起来那么年轻?And how can 62-year-old supermodel Twiggy still look so fabulous?

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布什正派,枝状,根系特别容易蜜。Bush upright, twiggy , roots particularly susceptible to Armillaria.

我们在天花板上挂了一个弯弯曲曲的大树枝,用植物染色的羊毛纱做了小鸟。We hung a large twiggy branch from the ceiling, and I made birds out of plant-dyed wool roving.

大片大片的雪花静静地挂在灌木丛的枝枝杈杈上,一块块贴在树干上。Big, quite flakes that clung to twiggy bushes and snuggled in little drifts against the tree trunks.

为了一探究竟,科学家准备了一些伪装成树枝的毛虫给两组家养的小鸡。To find out, scientists presented some twiggy -looking caterpillars to two sets of hand-reared chicks.

当你得到自己一份杈枝状试图消除小型分公司或棍棒等材料。Get yourself a pitchfork when you are trying to remove twiggy materials such as small branches or sticks.

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每个女童子军队员都知道,细枝比粗枝更容易聚光,所以细枝多的植物比枝条不那么细的同类姐妹更容易着火。And as any girl scout knows, twigs catch light more readily than branches, so a twiggy sort of plant can catch fire more readily than its non-twiggy sister.

我们的林子两样都有,而且在每一个泥沼的周围都能看见松鸡和兔子散步,被细枝条的篱笆和放牛娃照看的马鬃圈套包围。Our woods teem with them both, and around every swamp may be seen the partridge or rabbit walk, beset with twiggy fences and horse-hair snares, which some cow-boy tends.

我们的森林对于它们两者都很适宜,在每一个沼泽的周围可以看到兔子和鹧鸪在步行,而牧童们在它们周围布置了细枝的篱笆和马鬃的陷阱。Our woods teem with them both, and around every swamp may be seen the partridge or rabbit walk, beset with twiggy fences and horse-hair snares, which some cow-boy tends.