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她的老板是一个一毛不拔的人。Her boss is stingy with money.

所以不要吝啬你的赞美。So don't stingy your compliments.

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用钱不要那样小手小脚!Don't be so stingy with the money!

她虽然有数以百万计的钱,但是仍然吝啬。A millionaire as she is, she is still stingy.

麦特很吝啬,讨厌花钱。Matt was very stingy and hated spending money.

这个中国人真抠门,就不想要多花钱买茶喝。This Chinese is too stingy to pay for more tea.

切尔西密不透风的防守一去不复返The days of Chelsea's stingy defence are long gone

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他们又小气又没品,为了利益不惜杀戮!There stingy and imoral they will kill for profit!

很奇怪,这么有钱的人还这么小气。It is strang that such a rich man should be stingy.

说来真怪,这么有钱的人居然那么小气。It is strange that such a rich man should be so stingy.

他甚至没替我付晚餐!真是个小气鬼!He didn't even pay for my dinner! What a stingy bastard!

忘记了疲倦和筋疲力尽,我对他大声喊骂。Out of fatigue and exhaustion, I shouted him stingy words.

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从前有个又穷又铁公鸡的人向上帝祷告。There was once a very poor person who was also very stingy.

她虽然有数以百万计的钱,但是仍然吝啬。Though she has millions of dollars, she is still very stingy.

而心狠的那一刻却比野兽更加残忍。But stingy that moment is actually crueler than the wild animal.

他特别抠门儿。如你同他要一角钱,他多一分都不给你。He is very stingy. He won't give one more cent if you want a dime.

他吝啬到不希望蜜蜂上自己的树上做窝。He was so stingy he didn't even want bees taking advantage of his tree.

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这个传统来自于一个古老的爱尔兰故事,与一个名叫杰克的小气鬼有关。This comes from an old irish story about a man jack who was very stingy.

这只是婴儿对外界的刺激如太冷、太大尘等作出的反应。It is just a reaction to the environment eg. too cold, too dusty or too stingy.

也需要经常鼓励他人,不要吝惜。Encouragement also needs to be regular- don't be stingy with your encouragement.