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最后还证明了该方法的可靠性和完全性。The soundness and completeness of this method are also proved.

所以完好性与,有效性和前提真理有关。So soundness has to do with both validity and the truth of the premise.

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岩石表面的坚固性,必须包括在地形研究之内。Soundness of the rock surface must be included in the topographic study.

它可以衡量企业运作的净效能和健全性。One is it measures the net effectiveness and soundness of a business's efforts.

它作为水泥混合材料可以改善水泥的安定性,并能降低水泥的成本。Used as cement admixture it can improve the soundness of cement and reduce the cost.

评价马士提夫要顾及类型品质和合理的体重。A good evaluation considers positive qualities of type and soundness with equal weight.

本文对这种论述的学理性持质疑的观点。This paper wants to voice some doubts as to the academic soundness of these viewpoints.

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保险公司必须通过一些方法,来证明其偿还能力。The insurance company has to have some way of demonstrating its soundness to the public.

这些应对方法中最为普遍的也许就是质疑研究在方法学上的正确性。Perhaps the most common of these is to challenge the methodological soundness of the research.

石灰石中经常含有少量的氧化镁,这对水泥的安定性有害。Limestone often contains small amount of magnesium oxide that is harmful to soundness of cement.

最后,为一座实际的三塔斜拉桥集成了一套健康监测系统。Finally, a soundness monitoring system for a three-tower cable-stayed bridge was cited as an example.

这也会给美国人民以信心,那就是我们能够向前推进经济的稳固发展。And it will give confidence to the American people that we can move forward to bring economic soundness.

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建议案审查委员会针对此建议案的财务效益和实施的可行性进行审查。The CEIBP Review Committee reviews the suggestion for fiscal soundness and feasibility of implementation.

第二,一个装饰公司正规与否,和该公司的规章制度是否健全有很大关系。Second, a formal decoration companies or not, and the soundness of the company's regulatory great relationship.

它还包含了相关的技巧,好比从观点里辨清事实以及评估论据的可靠性。It also includes related skills such as distinguishing fact from opinion and assessing the soundness of evidence.

神州高扬奥林匹克之旗,赤县飘飞和平永固之帜。The Olympic oriflamme is soaring out on the Divine Lands, they're flags of peace and soundness in the Loyal Counties.

纽约——投资者也许担心市场这轮反弹的健康程度但是同样担心会踏空。NEW YORK – Investors might be worried about the soundness of the market's rally but they're also worried about missing it.

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但一个世纪前,西方或者日本的工厂和矿主们在人权和维护生态平衡方面的表现也都算不上完美。But Western or Japanese factory and mine owners a century ago were hardly paragons of human rights and ecological soundness.

我和我的同事面对的挑战,是要在无损本港经济的稳健和活力的大前提下,遏抑我们的成本。The challenge for my colleagues and I is to contain our cost without damaging the soundness and the vitality of the economy.

在执政者和被统治者之间订立的合约中,暗含有一种对这个国家总体上的健全与稳定的信任。A certain trust in a nation’s overall soundness and stability is implied in the contract between the governed and the governors.