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士兵们赶造起一座土垒。The soldiers threw up an earthwork.

土方工程在几小时内就完成了。The earthwork was cast up in a few hours.

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我公司是一家以做土方工程的公司!Our company is an earthwork to do business!

土方量计算有多种算法。There are many algorithms of earthwork calculation.

这项工程要挖40万土方。This project involved 400000 cubic metres of earthwork.

路基土石方施工采用机械化作业。Subgrade's earthwork construction is carried out by machine.

方格网法是工程土方量计算中应用最为普遍的一种方法。Square grid is a common method used to estimate earthwork quantity.

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巨石阵无疑是5000年前的一项巨大的土木工程。Stonehenge is believed to be a large earthwork constructed about 5000 years ago.

大面积土方工程,在不同条件下,有着不同的计划高。In different conditions, there are different plan-elevations for the bulk wide-area earthwork.

台阶深孔微差爆破是一种大规模、快速的土石方施工方法。Deep-holed millisecond blasting is a fast construction method applied to large scale earthwork.

土方工程雨期回填施工质量不易保证,是土方工程施工中较为棘手的难题。The quality of construction for backfill in earthwork is not easy to control in the rain spell.

相应的,这座建筑被认为是一个插入倾斜土地的“大土方”。Responding to this, the building was conceived as a "large earthwork" dug into the sloping ground.

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路基土石方除利用方外,其余均弃于设计指定的弃土场。Except the earthwork that used in Subgrade, the others will be put into the appointed waste bank place.

待涵管道安装完成并经验收合格后,方可进行土方回填。To pipe installation is complete and experience the qualified, conducted only after backfill earthwork.

论述了在土方施工中几种地下水处理的方法及注意事项。This paper states some treatment methods and relevant precautions of groundwater in earthwork construction.

本文得到的公式同样适用于工程上的土方量及断面面积的计算。The formulas provided in this paper are also suitable for the computation of the earthwork volumes and profiles.

建筑工程包括地盘平整和挖掘土方工程。这些工程将有需要进行移除废土。Construction work will involve site formation and earthwork excavation, which will necessitate the removal of spoil.

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本文通过理论分析和大量的室内试验,对透层、下封层的材料用量和工艺进行了系统研究。This paper systematically studied prime coat, seal coat and earthwork cloth, based on many theories and experiments.

可行时,经AA批准,开垦土地或土方工程应使用干净的挖掘物。Clean excavated material shall be used for land reclamation or earthwork where practicable and subject to approval by AA.

介绍了利用一种常用的土石方软件系统来计算土石方的技巧。This thesis aims to make use of a frequently used earthwork software system to introduce skills in calculating earthwork.