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救援工作正在进行。Rescue efforts are underway.

一场战斗已经开始了。One battle is already underway.

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目前相关善后工作正在进行。Relevant follow-up work is underway.

目前,第二轮巡访正在进行中。Currently, the second visit is underway.

在34个州里,提前投票已经开始了。Early voting is underway in 34 U.S. states.

就坐时镇民大会已经开始了。Sit down as the town meeting gets underway.

这个城市的重建正在进行中。The reconstruction of the city is underway.

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甬温线动车事故赔偿正在进行。Compensation underway for train crash victims.

政府内部,一场紧急会议正在进行。Inside, there's an emergency meeting underway.

因此,研究人员正在开发一种非药物的治疗方法。But research on a nondrug treatment is underway.

与其他国家的相关谈判也正在进行中。Talks are underway with other countries as well.

人员定岗,和分流工作,正在进行。The work to redirect redundant staff is underway.

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中国东海岸城市青岛等全力清除绿海藻。Clean-up of green algae underway on E China coast.

在伦敦的特拉法加广场上,正展开一场艺术的飨宴。In London's Trafalgar Square art on display is underway.

尽管如此,人们还是在不停地开发有关药物。Even so, efforts to develop drugs to treat it are underway.

但我们赢得了胜利,改写工作正在进行。But we won the day, and the work is underway to re-write it.

工会的一名官员死亡之后,大范围的调查已经开始。A major enquiry is underway after the death of a union official.

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中国头号种子李娜将于明天开始进行锦标赛。Chinese top seed Li Na will get her tournament underway tomorrow.

在一些地方,已经显示出这一系列连锁反应的征兆。There are signs in some places that this may already be underway.

缅甸也要发生台风,因为目前也在进行类似的撤离。Similar evacuations are underway in Burma, which is also threatened.