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你面前的这个半身人沉着的注视着你。The halfling before you regards you coolly.

“那好吧。”她回了一句然后挂断了电话。"All right then," she said coolly and hung up.

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贾妮斯避开了她的拥抱礼,冷淡地点点头致意。Janice evaded Minmei's embrace, and nodded coolly.

这是老爷子整个下午第一次表现的冷酷。For the first time that afternoon the Don behaved coolly.

这是一个总结,冷静地评估工作,自由的道德说教。It is a stock-taking , coolly assessing work, free of moralizing.

汤姆冷冰冰地转身带着艾美走了,边走边和她谈着。Then Tom turned coolly away, still talking, and took Amy with him.

自始自终泰然自若的福克斯冷静地让官员们进入了珀西租用的地下室。Composed to the end, Fawkes coolly let the officials into Percy's cellar.

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本冷静地提出,一两年后,我们可能会被迫同意女王的观点。In a year or so, Bem coolly suggests, we may have to agree with the Queen.

要做就狠下心肠做,别用道歉来侮辱受害者。But if you do, do it coolly. Don't insult your victims by feeling sorry afterwards.

“你要是告诉你姨夫,他会把你扔到门后的,”他冷漠说。“"Were you to tell you uncle, he would throw you out the back door, "he said coolly.

他又找到了禁区内的约书亚。金,挪威人完成最后一击打入远角。He picked out Joshua King in the box and the Norwegian coolly finished at the far post.

一天早晨,班纳特先生听到她们滔滔不绝地谈到这个问题,他不禁冷言冷语地说After listening one morning to their effusions on this subject, Mr. Bennet coolly observed

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爸沉静了一会儿,冷冷地说,“儿子,也许你的传真,她还没有得到。”Dad kept silent for a few minutes, then coolly said, “Maybe, Son, she didn’t get the fax.”

希刺克厉夫放下他那瘦瘦的手,冷静地站在那儿望着他,等他先开口。Heathcliff dropped his slight hand, and stood looking at him coolly till he chose to speak.

在这个危险的处境中他表现得镇定自若.He behaved very coolly in this dangerous situation. He remained calm in this dangerous situation.

没人请他坐下,他只好站在那儿,沉着地替男子汉大丈夫争个面子。He was not invited to sit down, but stood there, coolly asserting the rights of men and husbands.

但是其中一次他出现在对方禁区内,并且冷静的攻入制胜球。But the one time he did find himself in the opposition box, he coolly tucked away the winning goal.

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在其他企业由于惊恐而缩手缩脚时,他们冷静地纵观全局并发现机会。They looked coolly around and found opportunities while others were too terrified to make big moves.

舍甫琴科冷静的将球送入网窝,双方平局进入中场休息。It was Shevchenko's turn to coolly slot away the spot-kick to level the contest going into the break.

Hector冷冷地告诉他Maricruz不会再来看他了,“她现在和我在一起了。”Hector coolly tells him that Maricruz isn’t going to be coming around to see him anymore. “She’s with me now.”