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如果这个栏宽度是固定的,可能会与工具栏交迭。If they are fixed, they may overlap the sidebar.

然后便可以将该信息加入到侧栏中。You can then add that information to the sidebar.

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也可以手动刷新侧边栏面板数据。You can also refresh the sidebar panel data manually.

链接不应该吨来自侧边栏或页脚。Links shouldn t come from sidebar or footer of the page.

关于过早优化的危险,请参阅侧边栏。See the sidebar about the perils of premature optimization.

对于每个词汇,它在边栏中创建一个链接。For each term, it creates a link in the sidebar of that term.

那么RTM的这个功能是如何加入到Gmail的侧边栏中的?So how does the functionality of RTM get into the Gmail sidebar?

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往你的左侧边栏菜单,再找到红色文件夹“二尖瓣置换术”。Go to Your left sidebar menu and find again the red folder "mvr".

将该区块移至边栏中随意的位置。Move the block to a position on the sidebar where you would like.

你可以直接在边栏完成扩展的搜索和安装。You can find and install add-ons directly through the sidebar panel.

这个新“add-on”允许用户在边栏中查看标签和书签。This new add-on allows users to see tags and bookmarks in the sidebar.

当元素被选中时,这些注释会在工具条内被选中。These comments are selected in the sidebar when the element is selected.

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下一步是薄的底部部分,这样侧边栏部分就完成鸟。Next up is the thin bottom section that finished off the sidebar section.

边条或顶栏得链接多得过分,风格也往往都差不多。Way too many links in the sidebar or header, usually styled the same way?

这些情况下,购物车常常被放置到右边栏中。In such cases the shopping cart is often placed in the right-hand sidebar.

与工件相关的需求会出现在单独的工具条中。Requirements that are related to an artifact appear in a separate sidebar.

您可以使用过滤器,来限制在工具条内显示哪一些注释。You can use filtering to limit which comments are displayed in the sidebar.

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侧边栏提供的是一些导航用的功能,以及你的联系人列表。The sidebar features the functions for navigation, as well as your contacts.

你的边栏可以在左也可在右,甚至可以在页面下方的中间位置。Your sidebar can be on the right or left, or even start midway down the page.

用户可以回到页首或着调用侧边栏来访问它。It can be accessed by scrolling back to the top or invoking the sidebar panels.