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我是在说牛师傅和鳄鱼师傅。I'm talking about Master Ox and Croc.

这是张用鳄鱼皮做成的皮革。This is a leather made from croc skin.

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他们派出尼尔斯芬格勒腾,鳄鱼先生。They send out Nils Fingleton, the croc man.

这一次鳄鱼追逐杰克的狗Minty。This time the croc goes after Jack's dog Minty.

鼠鳄发现于曾被郁郁葱葱的平原和广阔的河流所覆盖的史前时代的摩洛哥,这种3英尺长的鳄鱼可以直立行走。Discovered in Morocco, this three foot long croc could walk upright.

双方几经争夺,最后鳄鱼举手投降,眼睁睁地看着狮子把到手的猎物夺了回去。Finally, the croc concedes, and the lions get their prey on dry land.

突然间,一条鳄鱼窜出水面,整个搏斗大概持续了15秒钟。And suddenly the croc jumped out. The whole event took maybe 15 seconds.

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当波乔在恢复的期间,奇托把它留在他家附近的一个湖。At one point during his recovery, Chito left the croc in a lake near his house.

如果鳄鱼进行短距离的游泳,它们也可以逆流而行。If the croc is swimming only a short distance, it will swim against the current as well.

这些物种打开了一扇揭示鳄鱼世界的窗口,它们与生活在北部大陆上的动物完全不同。These species open a window on a croc world completely foreign to what was living on northern continents.

这种3英尺长的鳄鱼以植物和幼虫为食,它下颚上长着一对龅牙用来挖掘食物。This 3-foot-long croc was a plant- and grub-eater with a pair of buckteeth in the lower jaw it used to dig for food.

鳄鱼的表现一名船员在向低岛航程不断复苏,但医务人员宣布他约中午死亡。The crew of the Croc One performed constant CPR during the voyage to Low Isle, but medical staff pronounced him dead about noon.

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出现在一个简单的紫色和白色配色,侧面的鞋面专用人造皮革,鳄鱼皮的一个不错的效果。Appearing in a simple purple and white colourway, the side panels feature patent leather faux- croc skin for a nice tonal effect.

杰克记得尼尔斯所敎的知识,用棍子刺鳄鱼鼻子,迫使鳄鱼放开尼尔斯的腿并退回到水里。Remembering what Nils has taught him, Jack punches the croc in the nose, forcing him to release Nils' leg and return to the water.

2007年,Chang在韶山动物园治疗一只一个月都没吃东西的尼罗河鳄,他先移除了麻醉装置。In 2007 at the Shaoshan Zoo, Chang was removing tranquilizer darts before treating a Nile croc which had not been eating for a month.

他们真的是很美的动物,建议去动物园看牠们了解牠们,但不要自己惹祸上身。Croc Monitors are an unbelievable display animal. Go to a great zoo and check them out, but don't dabble in the danger yourself. We don't.

测量过现存的野生鳄后,塞瑞诺的小组判定这只超级巨鳄可能具有的身长与体重。After measuring living crocodiles in the wild, Serenos team determined how long the super croc may have been and how much it probably weighed.

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这种令人恐惧的动物猎食肉类,它和新发现的另外一种鳄鱼相距不远,那种鳄鱼拥有宽而平像煎锅一样的吻,捕鱼为食。While this fearsome creature hunted meat, not far away another newly found type of croc with a wide, flat snout like a pancake was fishing for food.

塞里诺解释说,一只成年的雄性巨鳄需要占据数英里的河域,它们需要找到足够多的食物来填饱肚子。A fully grown giant male croc likely would have had to commandeer miles of river territory to regularly find enough prey sustain itself, Sereno explained.

奇怪的是,这是一只现代澳大利亚淡水鳄,它因为在淡水领域中生活而得名,它帮助塞利诺猜测他发现的一些远古鳄究竟具有哪些行为习惯。Oddly enough, it was a modern crocodile — an Australian freshwater croc known as a "freshy, " that helped Sereno figure out how some of his ancient crocs behaved.