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有人说她是扫帚星。She's said to be a jinx.

话别说得太早!比赛还没结束呢。Don't jinx it! The game is not over yet.

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“我看,很像是蜇人咒。”卢修斯说。"Looks more like a Stinging Jinx to me, " said Lucius.

也许他们终于可以结束在底特律的厄运。Maybe they can finally end their frustrating jinx in Detroit.

我们队好像有不吉利的东西,因为我们总是输。There seems to be a jinx on our team, because we always lose.

这房子一定招了鬼了,什么事都一团糟。There must be a jinx on this house. Everything's always in a mess.

作为创作心态,“虚静”的主要倾向则是积极的。As creation point of view, "Xu jinx" the main tendency is positive.

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这房子一定招了鬼了,什么事都一团糟。There must be a jinx going this house. Everything's always in a mess.

根据洛杉矶时报报道,Suleman告诉医生她可能会给孩子带来厄运。"I thought I would jinx it, " Suleman told doctors, according to the LA Times.

这支队伍好像已经摆脱了数月来一直缠着他们的厄运。The team seems to have shaken off the jinx that's been dogging them for months.

有人说芝加哥棒球队"小熊队"撞上了倒霉运,所以老是进不了世界杯决赛。a jinx on the Chicago Cubs baseball team. It hasn't won a World Series for 95 years.

不过在半决赛中,巴西人终于战胜了宿命,他们在120分钟内1-1和荷兰战成平手,但在点球决战中笑到了最后。The Brazilians at last overcame their jinx in the semi-final, when they beat the Netherlands in a penalty shoot-out after a suspenseful 1-1 draw.

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失去巴拉克对穆里尼奥是一个巨大的打击。在切尔西这个风雨飘摇的赛季中,德国人是最新一位被伤病不幸击倒的关键球员。The loss of Ballack is a huge blow to José Mourinho, the German becoming the latest key player to be struck by the injury jinx that is blighting Chelsea's season.

这些超级捣蛋的程序会使你的朋友们迷惑不堪,直到你笑话他们那些被搞乱的桌面和只能识别克林贡的语音识别软件。These high tech high jinx will keep your family bewildered as you laugh when their desktop goes haywire or their speech recognition software only responds to Klingon.

但红军队长已经坚称在战胜长期受伤的厄运后,当他回来时,将会是一个前所未有的杰拉德-更强壮并且状态正佳。But the Liverpool skipper has insisted when he does return, he'll be back stronger and better than ever before, after finally triumphing over his perennial injury jinx.

这一胜利结束了新西兰自1987年开始有锦标赛以来24年没有夺冠的厄运,要知道,橄榄球是对新西兰人来说唯一值得关注的。The triumph, in the only sport that matters to most Kiwis, ended a 24-year jinx that had seen the All Blacks fail to lift the trophy since the first tournament in 1987.

英格兰人能否破除在欧洲杯和世界杯上遭遇德国队就会点球落败而遗留下来的霉运、厄运和梦魇?Can England banish the jinx which seems to descend on their meetings with Germany at major tournaments, and finally lay to rest the ghosts of shoot-out defeats in 1990 and 1996?

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韩端今天打破了她的进球荒,这将会帮助她提升信心。年轻的球员张振同样在她的国家队首秀中获得进球,这是年轻球员难得的经历。Han broke her jinx today. It will help her gain the confidence again. Teenager Zhang Zhen also scored a goal in her international debut. It's very good experience for our young players.

两年前纳达尔由于伤病错过了法网,这回在决赛中他用四盘战胜了阿根廷人普尔塔,把自己在罗兰加洛斯赛场上的晦气一扫而光。Having missed the French Open for the past two years because of injury, Rafael Nadal broke his Roland Garros jinx in emphatic fashion when defeating Argentine Mariano Puerta in four sets.

就我而言,我知道生命可以随时在一息间改变,所以我总是活在当下,把握每一秒光荫,相信冥冥中有主宰。For me personally, I know that life can change in a split second and it's a feeling I had because I like to live in the fast lane. I guess it's fate, but I'm not 30 yet, I shouldn't jinx myself!