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那暴君残暴无度。The tyrant rioted in cruelty.

他的残忍表明他的好话是虚伪的。His cruelty belied his kind words.

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这是非笔舌所可形容的残酷。This is cruelty beyond expression.

但是,对妇女邪恶和残酷吗?But cruelty and vileness towards women?

事实上,伪善与残酷的虐待是同在的。There must be hypocrisy as well as cruelty.

我们向对动物的残酷行为提出进言。We remonstrated against cruelty to animals.

殴打比自己弱的人是一种残忍的表现。To hit a weaker person is a sign of cruelty.

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大家一致谴责虐待妇女儿童的行径。We all condemn cruelty to women and children.

究竟为什么你不让我提出虐待呢?Why the deuce didn't you let me try cruelty ?

旅游业的副产品有可能是动物虐待。Animal cruelty can be a by-product of tourism.

他说的那些残酷无情的话对她就像刀割一样。The cruelty of his words cut her like a knife.

她们是美好和残酷的综合体。They are the combination of beauty and cruelty.

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报纸使人人皆知战争的残酷。Newspapers have familiarized the cruelty of war.

说谎、偷窃、不诚实和残忍都是罪孽。Lying, stealing, dishonesty and cruelty are sins.

我们大家必须与不公正和残暴作斗争。We must all fight against unfairness and cruelty.

他的仁慈和残忍都被人们当传奇一样诉说His generosity was legend, but so was his cruelty.

在英国,虐待动物要受严厉惩罚。Cruelty to animals is severely punished in England.

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在海恩斯维尔,我被认定为“虐待动物”。In Hinesville, I was accosted for "animal cruelty."

因此,任何积极的尝试都会以残忍来结束。Thereby negating any positive attempt to end cruelty.

新教徒国家中反对虐待动物。Protestant countries disapprove of cruelty to animals.