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这船是丹麦的欧登赛钢铁船厂建造的。The ship was launched at Odense Steel Shipyard Ltd in May 2007.

安徒生于1805年4月2日在丹麦欧登塞的一座一室房子内出生。Andersen was born in a one-room house in Odense , Denmark on April 2, 1805.

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接下来是小镇欧登塞的一些图片,我们去的那天在下大雪,真是跟童话世界一样!Here are some pic for Odense city, the day we went was snowing, like wonderland!

欧登塞市在菲恩岛上,位于丹麦南部的城市,其附近的欧登塞湾是卡特加特海峡的一部。A city of southern Denmark on Fyn Island near the Odense Fjord, an arm of the Kattegat.

今天,所有这些都有保存在他在欧登陆赛出生的那间房子——安徒生展览馆中。These are kept today in the Andersen Museum, which is in the house where he was born in Odense.

所有欧登赛人都有参加了为鞋匠的儿子、现在的童话王子所举行的欢迎仪式。All Odense took part in the great celebration for the shoemaker's son who was now the prince of fairy tales.

汉斯.安徒生是世界上最著名的童话作家之一。19世纪,他出生在欧登塞。One of the most famous authors of fairy tales in theworld, Hans Christian Anderson, was born in Odense in the 19th century.

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安徒生是世界上最著名的童话作家之一。19世纪,他出生在欧登塞。One of the most famous authors of fairy tales in the world, Hans Christian Anderson, was born in Odense in the 19th century.

他是丹麦奥登塞大学的内分泌学科的副教授,从事上述激素和它们的功能的研究。He is an associate professor of endocrinology at Odense University in Denmark and has studied these hormones and their functions.

他的剪纸也非常棒,至今,那些剪纸还保留在欧登塞,他出生时的那座房子里,即现在的安徒生博物馆。And he could make the most wonderful papercuts. These are kept today in the Andersen Museum, which is in the house where he was born in Odense.

1805年安徒生出生在小镇的欧登塞,镇上流传着一个仙女把与她跳舞的人弄死的故事。Among the tales told in the town of Odense. where Andersen was born in 1805, was one about a fairy who brought death to those who danced with her.

离别了近50年之后回到他“鸭圈”的那天是他一生中最高兴的一天,所有的欧登塞人都参加了为这个鞋匠的儿子——而今的童话王子举行的庆祝会,人们为他举行了盛大宴会。Happiest of all was the day he returned to the "suck-yard, " nearly 50 years after he had left it. All Odense took part in the great tales. A great dinner was held in his honor.