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该代码有些冗长。This is very wordy code.

世间果报,亦复如是。So is the wordy retribution.

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这一章多为冗长的华丽词藻。The chapter is mostly wordy rhetoric.

我不会讨一个唠叨的女人做老婆。I don't like to have a wordy lady as my wife.

大多数的部分报价是笨拙的,文字的或不必要的。Most partial quotations are awkward, wordy or unnecessary.

首先,类型参数声明很容易变得冗长。For one thing, the type parameter declarations can easily become wordy.

总而言之,这“雷锋”已经细致到有点迂腐和罗嗦了。In sum, this "Lei Fong" is sensitive to the extent that he is pedantic and wordy.

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儿童房对于孩子成长的重要影响已无须多言。The main effect that children house grows to the child is beardless already and wordy.

这本书对于我四岁的孩子来说,显得稍稍有点长,有点罗嗦,但对我7岁的儿子来说则恰到好处。This book was a bit too long and wordy for my 4 year old but perfect for my 7 year old boy.

把那些爱打小报告的、罗嗦的、狗腿的同事,还有坏老板通通打倒,爽吧,哈哈。Snitch on those who love the game, wordy , dogleg angel colleagues, bad bosses get knocked Shuangba. haha.

倘能获得哪怕只是一半的机会可以去透析人性的真善美,即便是让你尽失冗财,那也应该是值得的。It's almost worth losing you wordy possessions to be reminded that people are really nice when given half a channel.

至于警告,当然是越短越好!如果你非要说得冗长,这个警告可能就太迟了!In the case of warning, shorter is definitely better! If you struggle with a long, wordy warning, it may be too late!

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这样使居室还没有入住就已显得口罗嗦而且牵强,入住后自然就更显零乱。So that no room occupancy had also looked at wordy and farfetched , occupancy after making it more natural to disorder.

长篇累牍的演讲没有了,取而代之的,是只对有足够分量的问题进行罕见而简明扼要的介入。The wordy speeches were gone now, replaced by rare, concise interventions reserved only for topics of sufficient weight.

拿着我的干净衬衣,请不要把它们弄脏,因为我知道当你听到我说的话时你一定会惊讶。Hold onto my clean shirts and please don't get 'em dirty, 'cause I know you're gonna drool when you hear me gettin' wordy.

简单,明确的步骤和几条指令,将完成的相互作用比长,冗长的选择更多的人。Interactions with simple, clear steps and few instructions will be completed by more people than a long, wordy alternative.

请注意,由于步骤的描述往往太过冗长,以至于无法恰当地放在一张图上,因此并没有对用例步骤使用确切的措辞。Notice how the exact wording of the use-case steps isn't used because the steps are often too wordy to fit nicely on a diagram.

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辩论者有一个是流浪汉,有一个是劳工煽动家,还有一个是法学院的学生,其他的入则是爱说话的劳动者。One was a tramp, another was a labor Agitator, a third was a law- school student, and the remainder was composed of wordy workingmen.

按照人们以前的想象,古旧家具给人沉闷、晦涩的感觉,和现代清新、亮丽的家具风格不“搭调”。In accordance with the previous imagine, old furniture gives boring, wordy feeling, and the modern, fresh, lovely furniture style no "tune."

让我们友谊的轻舟,像箭似的向着灿烂的朝阳前进,真正的知音,不须多言。Let our canoe of friendship shoot like an arrow towards the rising sun because the taciturn cooperation among true friends is beyond wordy explanations.