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学生最远的来自神奈川县的藤泽。Students come from as far away as Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture.

学生最远的来自神奈川县的藤泽。Students come from as far away as fujisawa , kanagawa prefecture.

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朝河兰出生在神奈川地区,生日是1980年9月4日。Ran Asakawa was born in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan on 4 September 1980.

镰仓是神奈川县的沿海城镇,位于东京南部不到1小时的车程。Kamakura is a coastal town in Kanagawa Prefecture, less than an hour south of Tokyo.

在东京,富岛,千叶,神奈川,静冈县均有震感。The tremor was also felt in Tokyo as well as Fukushima, Chiba, Kanagawa and Shizuoka prefectures.

下平竜矢,1980年生于日本神奈川县。他毕业于东京视觉艺术大学。Shimohira Tatsuya was born in 1980 in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. He graduated from Tokyo College of Visual Arts.

埼玉县和神奈川县的观测值分别是每小时0.079微西弗和0.073微西弗,都出现了小幅上升。Saitama and Kanagawa Prefecture hourly observations were 0.079 and 0.073 micro-micro-West West have suffered slightly.

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我来自神奈川县。神奈川临近东京,那里居住着许多有钱人,有点像是美国的康涅狄格。I'm from Kanagawa. Kanagawa is right next to Tokyo and lots of rich people live there. So, it's kinda like Connecticut.

请原谅自己误认为这幅是由日本19世纪的著名画家葛饰北斋创造的“神奈川上的大海浪”。You'd be forgiven for mistaking this picture for "The Great Wave at Kanagawa" by 19th-century Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai.

川崎图书馆是日本神奈川县立图书馆,也被称作“科学与产业的信息图书馆”。Kawasaki Library in the name of "Information Library for Science and Industry" is a Prefectural Library in Kanagawa Prefecture of Japan.

头两家店将于2006年在东京附近区域开业,一家在春季开业,地点在船桥千叶县,另一家在秋季开业,地点在港北神奈川县。The first two stores will open near tokyo in 2006, one in funabashi, chiba prefecture in april and the other in kohoku, kanagawa prefecture in autumn.

稻田佳在神奈川的组织已经向茨城和福岛地区送去了70辆卡车的救灾物资,这两个地区的辐射水平都相当高。The Kanagawa Block of the Inagawa-kai, has sent 70 trucks to the Ibaraki and Fukushima areas to drop off supplies in areas with high radiations levels.

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尼康公司的发言人表示,这项投资将用于购买设备,并在东京附近的神奈川县的既有厂房内成立一间无尘室。Nikon spokesman said the investment went toward buying equipment and constructing a clean room at an existing factory in kanagawa prefecture , near tokyo.

据东邦航空透露,失事的直升机从清川村出发,机上装有为神奈川县政府运送的物资。According to Toho airline said the helicopter crashed Kawamura clear departure from the plane with the county government for the delivery of supplies Kanagawa.

神奈川县不仅力图在神祠内复活这棵树,还想在别处种植它的分枝,或许是想作为旅游景点。The Kanagawa prefecture has not only sought to revive the tree in the shrine’s grounds. It wants to plant offshoots elsewhere, possibly as a tourist attraction.

事情败露后,神奈川县教委对这个教师给予了免职处分,同时对与该教师一起喝酒的校长给予了警告处分。It was exposed, Kanagawa Prefecture Board of Education of the teachers to give a removal action, while drinking together with the teachers, principals given warning.

这个住宅位于日本神奈川的一个十字路口处,离附近的车站只有十分钟,周围布满很多老建筑。The site is located at an intersection in the Kanagawa prefecture, west of Tokyo. It is a 10-minute walk from the station in an area with many older housing buildings.

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任何仍然在计划中的挖掘现场发现将有较强的连接到单元731,常石敬一表示,一神奈川大学历史学教授和生物战专家。Any remains found at the planned excavation site would have a stronger connection to Unit 731, said Keiichi Tsuneishi, a Kanagawa University history professor and expert on biological warfare.