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犬只粪便弄污街道。Fouling of street by dog faeces.

选择新鲜而且外壳没有排秽物污点的蛋。Select fresh eggs , without faeces stains on the shell.

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有人竟然在他的路面上留下大便。Someone was leaving behind human faeces on his pavement.

一旦出现此种症状,呕吐物和粪便中就会带血。Once this happens, blood appears in the vomit and faeces.

受感染家禽将病毒分泌或排泄到它们的唾液或粪便中。Infected poultry excrete virus in their secretions and faeces.

甲幼虫血管检测中的粪便每个狗。A vasorum larvae were detected in the faeces of each of the dogs.

排泄物干、硬及滞销的的一个原因是液体缺乏。One cause of dry, hard and slow-moving faeces is a lack of fluid.

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动物粪便也含有可引起腹泻的微生物。Animal faeces also contain microorganisms that can cause diarrhoea.

您应该避免未来接触到猫砂,或动物的粪便。You should avoid coming into contact with cat litter, or animal faeces.

也就是说,这种咖啡豆是从麝香猫的排泄物里分离出来的!That is, the coffee beans are removed from the Civet faeces and processed!

吸血后,它们将一种叫作克氏锥虫的寄生虫排到其粪便中。After feeding, they pass a parasite called trypanosoma cruzi in their faeces.

粪钙和尿钙降低,产后粪钙略增加而尿钙明显降低。However after parturition, faeces Ca was increasing and urine Ca was reducing.

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上述三个市场的63个活鸡粪便样本中,有3个被验出含有病毒。Three of 63 samples of chicken faeces taken from the three markets tested positive.

存在于受感染者粪便中的杆菌是主要污染源。Bacteria present in the faeces of an infected person are the main source of contamination.

一些虫卵随尿液或粪便排出体外。The females release eggs, some of which are passed out of the body in the urine or faeces.

多数情况下,动物的尸体或者肉在宰杀时受到粪便中弯曲杆菌的污染。Most often, carcasses or meat are contaminated by Campylobacter from faeces during slaughtering.

排泄物则在厕所里慢慢的变干,填充进一个装满沙子的低温干馏反应器。Faeces are dried slowly within the toilet before being fed into a smouldering sand-filled reactor.

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口服补液盐在小肠吸收,可补充随粪便流失的水和电解质。ORS is absorbed in the small intestine and replaces the water and electrolytes lost in the faeces.

新鲜的老虎粪便通常会伴随有尿液痕迹,闻起来就象煮好的印度香米。Fresh tiger faeces are normally accompanied by urine sprays that smell like well-cooked basmati rice.

立法会议员刘慧卿的办公室也被纵火和泼粪。Lawmaker Emily Lau Wai-hing's offices have been subjected to an arson attack and smeared with faeces.