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他仅仅是有点肥硕He was just sort of corpulent.

这是个大块头的农夫。This was a rather corpulent farmer.

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她父亲太胖以至不能玩手球。Her father is too corpulent to play handball.

像寻常人那样逐渐发福而已He was the average kind of increasingly corpulent.

下鼻甲肥大。能吃什么药?Next nosepiece are corpulent . What drug can you take?

发现里面有一具痴肥的尸首和一封联系信件。We found corpulent corpse and a letter of correspondence.

发现里面有一具痴肥的尸首和一封联系信件。We found a corpulent corpse and a letter of correspondence.

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发现里面有一具臃肿的尸体和一封联系信件。We found a corpulent corpse and a letter of correspondence.

那窗口后面坐着一个面如镔铁的胖妇女。Sitting behind the window was a corpulent woman with a face of steel.

彭彭,我的胖朋友,脆脆的一个做才的叫餐。Pumpaa, my corpulent compadre , it's the crunchy ones that make the meal.

然后他附加到已故的伟大舵手的肥胖,跪机构。Then he attaches it to the late Great Helmsman's corpulent , kneeling body.

路边的田里,有一个身材魁伟健壮的喇嘛,生就一双大眼睛,目光炯炯地在那儿锄地。At the side of the road, a tall and corpulent monk, with large eyes and awesome look, was plowing a field.

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巨大而肿胀的纳垢大恶魔,塔立于咕哝吵闹的纳垢恶魔群中,就好像他们肥胖的校长。The immense, bloated Greater Daemons of Nurgle tower above the babbling hordes of Nurgle like corpulent schoolmasters.

他是个高大而肥胖的人,穿得好,吃得好,鉴别女人就像别人鉴别马匹一样。He was a large and corpulent individual, surfeited with good clothes and good eating, who judged women as another would horseflesh.

我们看上去一定很像肥胖的有钱人,穿着脏兮兮的衣服,和当地孩子的衣服有得一拼,但是人们总是用欢笑来欢迎我们。We must look corpulent and rich. Our dirty clothes gleam next to the children’s clothes but these people just laugh and welcome us.

嗯,我决定还是改成“在被杀死后经由一股汹涌的负能量复生……”Slain and resurrected by a surge of negative energy, the corpulent demon arose as the gaunt Tenebrous , a god of darkness and undeath.

不少老年人排尿费力,排尿时间延长,有夜尿,这是早期肥大表现。ManySenilePerson micturition is arduous, micturition time is lengthened, have nocturnal make water, this is inchoate and corpulent expression.

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对于宫颈肥大,同时有宫颈炎的患者应该怎么治疗最好?平时应该注意点什么?Corpulent to palace neck, at the same time the patient with palace phlogistic neck should be treated best? What should notice to nod at ordinary times?

随着人们生活水平的提高,我国青少年人群中肥胖人数越来越多,已成为危及青少年健康的隐患。With the increase of the people's life standard, the member of Corpulent youngsters are more and more growing, this case has become a hidden trouble which endangers youngsters' health.

专家说,肥胖的灵长类动物可以作为有用的模型,相比实验室的小白鼠,无论在生理结构上还是摄食习性上,它们同人类都更为近似。The corpulent primates serve as useful models, experts say, because they resemble humans much more than laboratory rats do, not only physiologically but in some of their feeding habits.