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滋润干燥的皮肤。Moisturize dry skin.

适当地保持润湿。To moisturize properly.

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橄榄油保湿。Moisturize with olive oil.

淋浴或洗手后注意保湿Moisturize After Showers or Handwashing

滋润你的嘴唇,让它看起来水润水润的。Moisturize your lips to keep them soft.

哈特谢普苏特女王死于化妆品中毒?Did Queen Hatshepsut Moisturize Herself to Death?

淡化修复唇纹、润泽保湿。Refine and repair lip wrinkles, moisturize lip skin.

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睡觉前,做好清洁和保湿工作,再轻拍上眼霜。Before bed, cleanse, moisturize and pat on eye cream.

喝大量的水让你的肌肤从内而外的充满滋润。Drink plenty of water to moisturize skin from within.

婴儿润肤乳1瓶滋润乾燥肌肤。Baby Moisture lotion 1 Bottle. Moisturize the dry skin.

滋润它们,给它们涂防晒霜,用手套来保护它们。Moisturize them, sunscreen them, protect them with gloves.

一流的教育能够做到“润物细无声”。The first-class education can "moisturize things in silence."

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柠檬可以在干燥的冬天保持空气清新潮湿,同时起到空气清新剂和加湿器的作用。Freshen and moisturize the air in your home on dry winter days.

“底霜能滋润和平滑肌肤,”里斯安徒生说。"Primers moisturize and smooth the skin, " says Reiss-Andersen.

而且我们的眼影还可以滋润皮肤。And our eye shadow is specially designed to moisturize the skin.

所以在去角质以后你需要使用保湿霜。For this reason it is important to moisturize after exfoliating.

润肺你的脸在早上和傍晚天然油脂。Moisturize your face in the morning and evening with natural oils.

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只需定期滋润它们使它们看起来柔软光滑。Simply moisturize them regularly to make them appear soft and smooth.

我真的难以置信质地那么轻巧的护手霜,滋养成效能那么好。I was very surprised that such a light cream would moisturize so good.

滋润亮泽的光彩,缔造可爱樱唇,一颦一笑,甜美迷人。Moisturize lips, boost luster, and create lovely, sweet and charming lips.