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来自古俄罗斯深沉男低。Basso Profondo From Old Russia.

在本场演出里,则将由吉他来演奏通奏低音。Basso continuo will be played here by the guitar.

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老师很放心地把低音部给我带。Teacher felt relieved very much brings the basso for me.

那时起,我就和安心地呆在低音部。Got up at that time, I on and stayed relieved in the basso.

这就像帮朋友一点忙,知道吗﹖」巴索说。It's like doing a friend a favor, you know?" Mr. Basso said."

安东尼奥·维瓦尔第的e小调奏鸣曲最初是为大提琴与通奏低音创作的,是典型的巴洛克音乐。Sonata in E minor from Antonio Vivaldi is originally composed for Cello and basso continuo in Baroque Style.

伊凡低音可能避免收费兴奋剂事件后调查人员问他是无疾而终。Ivan Basso is likely to avoid charges of doping after investigating officials ask for his case to be dropped.

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伊凡巴索爬上途中赢得蒙特卡罗Zoncolan从梅斯特的138英里的第15期5月23日在蒙特卡洛Zoncolan。Ivan Basso climbs Monte Zoncolan on his way to winning the 138-mile 15th stage from Mestre to Monte Zoncolan May 23.

伊凡巴索刚刚抵达后越过终点线,赢得第93吉罗德在意大利的维罗纳竞技场5月30日。Ivan Basso arrives in the Verona arena just after crossing the finish line and winning the 93rd Giro d'Italia May 30.

在深沉的男低音背后或许就潜藏着一位费加罗式的男中音角色,无论与人生的喜剧还是悲剧,都是一样的复合音调。Behind the basso profundo may be lurking a Figaro-like baritone, as much in tune with the comedy of life as its tragedy.

这些令人敬仰的音乐家创造、培育并代表了意大利爵士的历史,Basso有强烈的、宽厚的音调和旋律优美,富于表现力的风格。These amazing musicians have created, lived and embody the history of Italian jazz. Basso has a strong, fat tone and melodic, expressive style.

本论文针对罗马地区作曲家创作附有伴奏乐器之义大利室内清唱剧的曲目文献做通盘性的考究。The study is a literature survey of the chamber cantatas for solo voice with the obbligato instruments and basso continuo during later 17th to early 18th centuries in Rome.