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收音机是汽车的附件。A radio is an accessory to a car.

将附件电缆插入MFP。Plug accessory cable into the MFP.

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保罗被利用为从犯。Paul was made accessory to the theft.

点烟器是汽车的一种附件。A cigar-lighter is an accessory to a car.

太阳镜不仅仅是一件扮酷装炫的饰品。Sunglasses aren't just a fashion accessory.

辅绳通常是静力绳,或者延展性非常小。Accessory cord is static, or very low stretch.

风叶是一种用于起重机的配件设备。Blade is an accessory equipment for the crane.

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盒子内唯一的附件就是一个充电器。And the only accessory inside is a wall charger.

将排水配件和连结器连接起来。Connect the drainage accessory with the coupler.

这所大学有几家校办工厂。These university has several accessory factories.

将排水配件和连结器连接起来。B. Connect the drainage accessory with the coupler.

依莎莉和我计划开一间饰品店。Elize and I are planning to open an accessory shop.

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风罩是一种用于起重机的配件设备。Wind Cover is an accessory equipment for the crane.

他被认为是该谋杀案的从犯。He was charged with being an accessory to the crime.

他被指控为该罪的同谋者。He was indicted as being accessory man to the crime.

钢垫板是一种用于起重机的配件设备。Steel plate is an accessory equipment for the crane.

这是起重机配件非接触式真空吸盘。This is a non-contact vacuum crane accessory sucker.

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手表既是计时工具也是配饰。A watch is as much an accessory as it is a timepiece.

比如一块很上档次的表就是件不错的饰物。An elegant watch, for instance, is a great accessory.

它们也可以被用来作为钥匙链或袋配件。They can also be used as a key chain or bag accessory.